101 Firemark, U.S. Farmers Mutual, BU 335. Rare

102 Auto Tag Republic of Detroit Auto Insurance

103 Firemark, Foreign Royal Exchange, BU624. Lead. Large Crack. Policy # 184341. 1801

104 Firemark, U.S. Byckeye Union, BUUS-BD-1. Company issue 1953.

105 Firemark, U.S. Eagle Insurance, BU195. Cincinnati. 1855

106 Firemark, Foreign Salo, BU669. Lead. Policy # 11483

107 Firemark, Foreign Sun, BU555. Tin

108 Firemark, U.S. Hartford County Mutual, BU121

109 Firemark, U.S. Farmers York, BU228

110 Auto Tag Maine Mutual Automobile Insurance

111 Firemark, Foreign Westfalishce Provinzial Ferersozletat, BU1338. Enameled Iron.

112 Firemark, U.S. Contributionship, BU21. Company issued 1935

113 Firemark, U.S. Farmers Mutual (Cando, North Dakota), BU US-FE-1

114 Firemark, U.S. State Insurance-Des Moines, BU475 X1. 1910.

115 Firemark, U.S. Home Insurance, BU235 X1. Company issued 1953

116 Firemark, Foreign Nassaulsche Brand Versicherungs, BU1349. Enameled Iron.

117 Firemark, Foreign La Confiance, BU1295 (France). Tin Repainted.

118 Auto Tag Automobile Protective & Information Bureau. 1921. 1st issue.

119 Firemark, Foreign State Assurance Liverpool, BU983. Tin

120 Firemark, U.S. Phoenix of Hartford, BU257. 1860.

121 Firemark, U.S. Fire Association Philadelphia, BU88VB

122 Firemark, Foreign Liverpool & London & Globe, BU946. Tin

123 Fire Nozzles Set of 2. Brass Fire Hose Nozzles

124 Firemark, Foreign Victoria Insurance (Australia), BU1756. Copper.

125 Firemark, U.S. Hartford County Mutual, BU121VA.

126 Firemark, Foreign Lidova Pojistovna (Czechosovkia), BU1208. Enameled Iron.

127 Firemark, U.S. Hartford Fire, BU74. 1860

128 Toy Cast Iron Steam Pumper with 3 Horses

129 Firemark, Foreign Allmanna Brand Forsakrings Verket (Sweden), Var to SWE-EA-1

130 Firemark, Foreign Landbund Brandnotversicherung, E77. Enameled Iron.

131 Firemark, U.S. Hope Mutual, St.Louis, BU286. 1858. Repainted.

132 Firemark, Foreign Norwich Union, BU715. Copper. Repainted. Some Damage.

133 Auto Tag Wolverine Mutual Motor Insurance.

134 Firemark, Foreign District Fire Birmingham, BU864. Copper

135 Firemark, U.S. Fire Association of Philadelphia, BU93. Original Policy #

136 Firemark, Foreign Sun Fire, BU552. Tin not Zinc

137 Firemark, U.S. St. Louis Mutual, BU210. Zinc. 1851

138 Firemark, Foreign County Fire London, BU764. Copper. Repainted.

139 Firemark, U.S. Indiana Fire Insurance Indianapolis, BU208. 1851 - 1902

140 Firemark, U.S. Pitman Fire Patrol, BU483. + or - 1900.

141 Ledger Marker Andes (Cincinnati)

142 Auto Tag Farmers Automobile Insurance

143 Firemark, Foreign Rolnicka Vzajemna Pojistivna (Czechoslavakia), BU1202. Aluminum

144 Firemark, U.S. Northwestern National, BU419. Brass. House plate or Auto tag ?

145 Firemark, U.S. City Insurance (Cincinnati), BU157. 1845 - 1849.

146 Firemark, Foreign Norwich General ASsurance, BU698. Lead. 3 digit policy #.

147 Firemark, U.S. Lumberman's, BU442.

148 Sign London Assurance

149 Firemark, U.S. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance, BU113

150 Firemark, U.S. New York Central, BU331

151 Firemark, Foreign North British & Mercantile, BU932. Tin

152 Firemark, U.S. Aetna - Hartford, BU97. 1835. Repainted.

153 Firemark, U.S. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, BU109 Var. House Plate.

154 Gamewell Punch Register, Ticker Tape Fire Alarm Brass Gamewell Punch Register Fire Alarm

155 Firemark, U.S. Ohio Farmers, BU176. House Plate or Auto Tag ?

156 Firemark, U.S. Fire Association of Philadelphia, BU93VA. Double Drain Knobs. Rare.

157 Firemark, Foreign Royal Assurance Liverpool, BU891. Copper. Repainted.

158 Firemark, Asia INA - Asia Market, BU53. Modern

159 Auto Tag AAA - California

160 Firemark, U.S. St. Paul Fire & Marine, BU376-X-2

161 Firemark, U.S. & Foreign Sun, BU553 and German Freeport, BU364. Framed Together.

162 Firemark, Foreign Hessifche Brandversicherungs, BU1346. Enameled Iron.

163 Auto Tag Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance

164 Firemark, Foreign Caledonian, BU757. Copper.

165 Firemark, U.S. Phoenix of Hartford, BU256VB

166 Fire House Bell Brass Bell from Fire House

167 Auto Tag Farmers Mutual Automobile Insurance, (Madison WI)

168 Firemark, Foreign Commercial Union, BU917. Tin. Repainted.

169 Firemark, U.S. Insurance Co of North America, BU47VA. Cast Iron. Company Issue 1920.

170 Firemark, Foreign Phoenix Assurance London, BU681. Copper. Part of Spear Missing.

171 Firemark, U.S. United Fireman's, BU311

172 Firemark, U.S. Home Fire Omaha, BU464VB

173 Firemark, Foreign Patriotic Assurance London, Guaranteed by Sun, BU847X1.

174 Firemark, U.S. Granite State Fire Insurance, BU465.

175 Firemark, U.S. Continental New York, BU224

176 Auto Tag Bull Dog Auto Insurance (Chicago)

177 Firemark, U.S. American Insurance (Chicago), BU296. 1859 - 1883. Repainted.

178 Firemark, Foreign Provinzial Feuerversicherungs Rheinprovinz, BU1364. Enameled Iron.

179 Firemark, U.S. Fire Association of Philadelphia, BU91. Brass. Number Almost Readable.

180 Firemark, U.S. American Fire Philadelphia, BU68.

181 Firemark, U.S. Teutonia - Dayton, BU384. 1870. Repainted.

182 Firemark, U.S. Home Insurance, BU233. 1865.

183 Firemark, Foreign Landschaftliche Brandkasse, BU1341. Enameled Iron.

184 Firemark, U.S. North St. Louis Mutual, BU347. 1865. Zinc.

185 Firemark, Foreign West of England, BU771. Pre 1894. Copper

186 Toy Cast Iron Steamer with Horses

187 Firemark, Foreign Royal Exchange London, BU632. 1835. Lead.

188 Firemark, U.S. Fire Association of Philadelphia, BU84VA.

189 Firemark, U.S. Mercer County Mutual Fire, BU US-MG-1.

190 Firemark, Foreign Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, BU688. Policy # 1028. Lead.

191 Ledger Marker Aetna

192 Auto Tag State Auto Insurance (Columbus, OH)

193 Firemark, Foreign Protector Fire (London), BU862. Copper. Some Damage.

194 Firemark, U.S. Hartford Fire, BU71-VA. Company Issue. Modern.

195 Toy Large Fire Truck Decanter. 17 x 9 x 7

196 Firemark, Foreign Northern Assurance (London), BU876. Copper.

197 Firemark, U.S. Franklin Fire - Philadelphia, BU118. 1835.

198 Firemark, U.S. Insurance Co of North America, BU46VA. Company issued 1940.

199 Firemark, Foreign Fillpinas Copania DE Securos, BU1603. Enameled Brass.

200 Firemark, Foreign Manchester Fire, BU832. Tin.