Philadelphia Contributionship for Insurance of Hou
Philadelphia Contributionship for Insurance of Houses. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Wood, shield shape. lead hands. Issued in 1935 for advertising purposes. Taken from house on 8008 Rugby Street, Philadelphia.

Orient Insurance Company. Hartford, Connecticut.
Orient Insurance Company. Hartford, Connecticut. 1867-1956. Tin with Wood Frame. Gold with black outline. Maroon and black simulated wood grain background. 22 1/8x16 1/8 including frame.

California Insurance Company. San Francisco, Cali
California Insurance Company. San Francisco, California. Reverse Glass with Wood Frame. Gold Lettering with Black Background. Bear Facing Left.

Citizens Insurance Company of New Jersey. Reverse
Citizens Insurance Company of New Jersey. Reverse Glass with Wood Frame painted Silver. 19 1/8x13 1/8. Silver Lettering with Black Background on outside and Dark Blue in Middle.
70.1 VAR.

American Insurance Company. Newark, New Jersey.
American Insurance Company. Newark, New Jersey. 1872-1976. Reverse Glass with Wood Frame. 26 1/4x14 1/4 including frame. Gold Lettering with Black Background. Emblem in Gold, Red and Blue.
No Bid

London, Edinburgh & Glasgow Assurance Company. Br
London, Edinburgh & Glasgow Assurance Company. Brass Sign with Black Etched Lettering. Solid Wood Back. 15 3/8x9 1/4.

Phoenix Assurance Company of London. Aluminum Sig
Phoenix Assurance Company of London. Aluminum Sign with Wood Frame. Etched Black Lettering and Company Emblem.29 3/8x16 1/2

Zurich Insurance Company, Zurich, Switzerland. Re
Zurich Insurance Company, Zurich, Switzerland. Reverse Glass Sign with Wood Frame. Gold Lettering with Black Background. 30x16

Queen Insurance Company. Liverpool, England. 185
Queen Insurance Company. Liverpool, England. 1857-1891. Brass with Wood Frame. Etched Brass Lettering with Dark Red Background. 27 1/4x12 1/4

Maryland Casualty Company. Aluminum with Black Wo
Maryland Casualty Company. Aluminum with Black Wood Frame. 26 1/2x14 1/2.Black and Red Lettering on Silver Background.
215.2 VAR

Commercial Union Assurance Company. London, Engla
Commercial Union Assurance Company. London, England. Taken from Athens, Greece Building. Used Abroad in Greece. No Paint. Rusted. Tin. Oval.9 7/8x8 3/4. Worn.
BU916; W100A

National Fire Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn. Ledge
National Fire Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn. Ledger Marker. Nothing on Reverse Side.

Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. Li
Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. Life and Accident Insurance. Black Background with Silver Lettering. Nothing on Reverse Side.

Mutual Assurance Company for Insuring Houses. Fir
Mutual Assurance Company for Insuring Houses. Fire Mark. Cast Iron. Squatty Oval. 8 1/2x8 1/4. Repainted.. ALVC cannot determine authenticity since they cannot see the iron due to the repainting.
No Bid

Nassauische Brand Versicherungs Anstalt. Wiesbade
Nassauische Brand Versicherungs Anstalt. Wiesbaden, Germany. Iron. Convexed. 6 1/8x9 1/4.
BU1349; EV97Ba

IL Duomo Societa Anoonima Di Assicura. Milan, Ita
IL Duomo Societa Anoonima Di Assicura. Milan, Italy. Tin. Dark Background with Creme Lettering and Silver Castle. 9 3/4x6 5/8.

Jefferson Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia, P
Jefferson Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1855-1917. Tin. No Frame. Burgandy Lettering - Etched. 22x7 3/4
195 Var
No Bid

Lumbermans Insurance Company. Phildelphia, Pennsy
Lumbermans Insurance Company. Phildelphia, Pennsylvania. Cast Iron. Diamond Shape. L I Co in Center. 3 lbs. 1 oz. 9x9.

Patriotic Assurance Company. Dublin, Ireland. Ti
Patriotic Assurance Company. Dublin, Ireland. Tin. Circular. Burgandy Background withth Gold Sun and Red Lettering. 7 inches in diameter.
No Bid

Beautiful Reverse Glass Sign. Black Backgroun wit
Beautiful Reverse Glass Sign. Black Backgroun with Gold Edges, Fire Helmet with Hatchets at Top (some damage to Helmet), Old Fire Engine in Middle, and Number 5 with Ladder on Bottom. Framed with very nice quality Wood Frame. On back are spots for hinges and latch. Must have been a door front at one time.

United Firemens Insurance Company. Philadelphia,
United Firemens Insurance Company. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cast Iron. 11 3/4x9 1/8.

Gamewell Fire Box No. 214. Red on Front and Back.
Gamewell Fire Box No. 214. Red on Front and Back. FIRE in Red on Both Sides with White Background. 16 3/4 high x 12 1/2 wide x 6 depth. No Key.

Fire Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pe
Fire Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cast Iron. Convex Type. Drainage Knob in Back. 10 3/4x7 1/2. 2 small holes at bottom of hydrant. Thin casting.

Tiroler Landes Brandschaden. Innsbruck, Austria.
Tiroler Landes Brandschaden. Innsbruck, Austria. Iron. Triangular. Red Lettering and Figure on White Background. 5 1/4x9 5/8

Bauerlidhe Brandverfidherung. Germany. 1948-1969.
Bauerlidhe Brandverfidherung. Germany. 1948-1969.
No Bid

Associated Firemans Insurance Company. Baltimore,
Associated Firemans Insurance Company. Baltimore, Maryland. Cast Iron. Oval. 11 7/8x9 3/8

Fire Helmet. Westpoint Loughran. Manufactured by
Fire Helmet. Westpoint Loughran. Manufactured by Cairns.

Home Insurance Company. New York, New York. Tin.
Home Insurance Company. New York, New York. Tin. 8 1/8x5 1/4. Oval. Gold Lettering on Black Background.1950s issue by company

Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Germantown and Vi
Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Germantown and Vicinity. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Copper Variant of BU153. Evaluated by Auction Verification Committee.

Franklin Insurance Co. St. Louis, Missouri. 1855-
Franklin Insurance Co. St. Louis, Missouri. 1855-1878. Zinc. Red House Paint. Hand Etched on Back 1861 S 14TH. 7 1/2x5 3/4
No Bid

North St. Louis Mutual Fire Insurance. Saint Loui
North St. Louis Mutual Fire Insurance. Saint Louis, Missouri. Zinc. Oval. 5 3/8x7 3/8

Gothaer Feuer Versicherungsbank Auf Gegenseitigkei
Gothaer Feuer Versicherungsbank Auf Gegenseitigkeit. Gotha, Germany. Aluminum. Bright Blue Background with Silver Lettering. 5 1/4x4
No Bid

Merchants and Bankers Mutual Fire Insurance Compan
Merchants and Bankers Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Des Moines, Iowa. Tin. 7 x3. White Background with Black Lettering.

Western Home Insurance Company. Sioux City, Iowa.
Western Home Insurance Company. Sioux City, Iowa. Tin Fire Mark. 6 7/8x2 7/8. Original Gold on Lettering. 1885 - 1893. Discovered in Prescott, Iowa under some siding being replaced.

Western Assurance Company. Toronto, Ontario, Cana
Western Assurance Company. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Tin. Arrowhead Shaped. Border and Lettering Raised.10 1/4x6 7/8. No Paint

La Fondiaria, Compagnia Italiana di Assicurazioni
La Fondiaria, Compagnia Italiana di Assicurazioni Contro LIncendio. Florence, Italy. Tin. Silver Lettering on Dark Blue Background. 8 1/2x5 1/2.
BU1522 Var
No Bid

Royal Insurance Company. Liverpool, England. Cop
Royal Insurance Company. Liverpool, England. Copper. 9 7/8x12

Atlas Assurance Company. London, England. Rectan
Atlas Assurance Company. London, England. Rectangular. Raised figure of Atland supporting a Globe. Raised Border. 10 3/4x6 5/8. Some damage at bottom left and small hole above head.
BU778; A3L ii

Eagle Insurance Company. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cast
Eagle Insurance Company. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cast Iron. Oval. 11 7/8x7 7/8. Raised Eagle, Lettering and Border.

Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company.
Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. London. England. Tin. 9 3 /4x7 3/8
No Bid

A. G. Bruxelles. Compagnie Belge d Assurances Gen
A. G. Bruxelles. Compagnie Belge d Assurances Generales. Brussels, Belgium. Tin. 11 3/8x8 1/8.
BU1085 VA

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Norwich, En
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Norwich, England. 8x6 1/4. On wood backing since mark is very fragile. Several holes and tears. Tinned Iron. Condition Issues.
BU708VA; W29F
No Bid

Royal Exchange Assurance. London, England. Alumi
Royal Exchange Assurance. London, England. Aluminum. Raised Lettering and Building. 7 1/2x7.
BU636-V-A; A10H
No Bid

Mercer County Mutual Fire Insurnace Company. Oval
Mercer County Mutual Fire Insurnace Company. Oval. 5 3/4x8 3/8. Tin.

Bath Sun Fire Office. Bath, England. Copper. 7
Bath Sun Fire Office. Bath, England. Copper. 7 1/2x8 3/4. Sun with 20 Wavy Rays.
BU660; W16B

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Norwich, En
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Norwich, England. Copper. 10x 8. Tear in bottom right over letters O and N.
BU715; W29

Andes Ledger Marker. Black Background. Both Side
Andes Ledger Marker. Black Background. Both Sides have Lettering. Other Side Says Insure With the Andes.

Verenigle Landschaffliche Brandcasse Hannover. Ha
Verenigle Landschaffliche Brandcasse Hannover. Hannover, Germany. Tin with Red House Paint. 10x7.

New York Central Insurance Company. Union Springs
New York Central Insurance Company. Union Springs, New York. 1863-1880. Tin. Rectangular. 9 7/8x3 3/4.
No Bid

Provinzial Feuerversicherungs Anstalt der Rheinpro
Provinzial Feuerversicherungs Anstalt der Rheinprovinz. Dusseldorf, Germany. Iron. Convexed. 9 3/8x6 1/4.
BU1364; EV113Pc

Fire Shield. Chaplain JTFD. 6 1/4x4 1/2
Fire Shield. Chaplain JTFD. 6 1/4x4 1/2
No Bid

Old Leather Fire Bucket. No Lettering on Outside.
Old Leather Fire Bucket. No Lettering on Outside. Original Handle but has Pulled Out on One Side. Misshaped from Years of Use. 11 inches high.
No Bid

Sun Insurance Office. London, England. 7 1/8x7.
Sun Insurance Office. London, England. 7 1/8x7. Lead. Repainted. Sixteen Rays. Panel below has Policy number 370779.
535; W3A1

Baltimore Equitable Society. Baltimore, Maryland.
Baltimore Equitable Society. Baltimore, Maryland. Cast Iron. Heavy Rolled Border and Raised Clasped Hands. 10 3/8x9 7/8. Wood Piece on Back for Hanging. Not Original to Piece.

Auto Tag/Badge. This Car Protected. Cappers Nati
Auto Tag/Badge. This Car Protected. Cappers National Protective Service. Thieves Beware. 3 1/8x3 1/8

Auto Tag/Badge. Standard Protection Company Insur
Auto Tag/Badge. Standard Protection Company Insurance. 3 5/8x4 1/8

Auto Tag./Badge. Farmers Mutual Automobile Insura
Auto Tag./Badge. Farmers Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Madison, Wisconsin. 4 1/4x4 5/8

Auto Tag/Badge. Wisconsin Automobile Insurance Co
Auto Tag/Badge. Wisconsin Automobile Insurance Company. Moncor, Wis. 5x 2 7/8

Auto Tag/Badge. Insured in Harleysville Mutual Ca
Auto Tag/Badge. Insured in Harleysville Mutual Casualty Company. 3 1/8x3 1/2

Washington Life Insurance Co. of New York Paperwei
Washington Life Insurance Co. of New York Paperweight. Very Heavy for its size. Very ornate on reverse side. 4 1/4x2 7/8.

Continental Insurance Company. New York, New York
Continental Insurance Company. New York, New York. Tin. 7x3 1/4.
No Bid

Prudential Assurance Company. London, England. T
Prudential Assurance Company. London, England. Tin. No Color Remaining. 9x6.

Old Fire Bucket. Original Red Leather with M. Spa
Old Fire Bucket. Original Red Leather with M. Spalding. No. 2 Stenciled on Front in Black. Original Handle but duck tape repair on one side. 12 5/8 inches high without handles

Fire Grenade. Hayward Hand Fire Grenade. Amber C
Fire Grenade. Hayward Hand Fire Grenade. Amber Color. Patented Aug 8 1871. "2" Etched on Bottom. Original Lid. About 1/4 full. 6 3/4 inches tall.

Fire Grenade. Green. The Imperial Fire Extinguis
Fire Grenade. Green. The Imperial Fire Extinguisher Co., Ltd. Original Lid. 6 1/2 inches tall.

Hazeltons High Pressure Chemical Fire Keg. Amber.
Hazeltons High Pressure Chemical Fire Keg. Amber. No Lid. 11 inches tall.

Fire Grenade. Amber Color. HNS engraved on two s
Fire Grenade. Amber Color. HNS engraved on two sides. Diamonds engraved. Rim chips. Empty. 7 1/2 inches tall.

Fire Grenade. Turquoise Color. Star. Harden Han
Fire Grenade. Turquoise Color. Star. Harden Hand Grenade Fire Extinguisher. Empty. Original Lid. Damage at Top of Grenade -- Cracked and Reglued a long time ago. 7 inches tall.

Fire Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, P
Fire Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cast Iron. Green House Paint on Mark. Top of mark chipped when removed from home. 7 3/8x11 1/2. No Drainage Knob. Convex

Wiener Stadtische Versicherung. Vienna, Austria.
Wiener Stadtische Versicherung. Vienna, Austria. Aluminum. 6x4 7/8. Silver Background with Red. Flat.
No Bid

Mutual Assurance Company for Insuring Houses from
Mutual Assurance Company for Insuring Houses from Loss by Fire. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Known as the "Green Tree". Cast Iron. Repainted. ALVC cannot determine authenticity due to repainting. Need to look at iron. 12 1/4x8 3/8.
No Bid

Old Guard Mutual Fire & Storm Insurance Company of
Old Guard Mutual Fire & Storm Insurance Company of Lancaster. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 1896-1946. Tin. Black Background with Slightly Raised Gold Lettering. 19 7/8x9 1/8.
$No Show

The Liverpool and London and Glove Insurance Compa
The Liverpool and London and Glove Insurance Company, Limited. Porcelain Enameled on Steel. Red Background with White Lettering. 18x10

The Farmers Fire Insurance Company. York, Pennsyl
The Farmers Fire Insurance Company. York, Pennsylvania. Tin. Grey with Black Lettering. Sign is Warped/Wavy. 11 7/8x17 7/8
126 Var.

Union Fire Insurance Company, Limited. Paris, Fran
Union Fire Insurance Company, Limited. Paris, France. Porcelain Enameled on Steel. Dark Blue Background with White Lettering and Border. 18x12.

Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Sign. Tin. Yellow Ba
Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Sign. Tin. Yellow Background with Black Slightly Raised Lettering and Emblem. 19 5/8x11

Le Nord Compagnie Anonyme D Assurance et de Protec
Le Nord Compagnie Anonyme D Assurance et de Protection. Paris, France. Tin. 10 1/8x7 1/4. No Paint Remaining.

Feuer-Versicherungs-Bank fir Dentschland zu Gotha.
Feuer-Versicherungs-Bank fir Dentschland zu Gotha. German. Tin. Circa 1879-1902.10 1/4x7 1/4. Damage to top left. Minor Damage to Bottom Right.
No Bid

Palatine Insurance. Auto Tag.
Palatine Insurance. Auto Tag.

Shawnee Fire Insurance Co. Topeka, Kansas. Tin.
Shawnee Fire Insurance Co. Topeka, Kansas. Tin. 1892-1910. 7X3 3/4. Will be added to Addendum.

Sterling Insurance Comany. Cobleskill, New York.
Sterling Insurance Comany. Cobleskill, New York. Sign on Old Piece of Tree. Very Different.

Prudential Auto Tag.
Prudential Auto Tag.

Fire Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia.
Fire Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Cast Iron. Extremely Convex. Drain Knob on back. House Paint on top. Major Water Damage on Bottom caused mark to corrode away. 10 7/8x7 3/8. Issued about 1870.

Fire Association of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, P
Fire Association of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cast Iron. Oval. Flat. Hollow Back. Major Damage to Bottom of Mark and Sides of Mark. Current Measurements are 9 3/4 x7 1/4.

Fire Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pe
Fire Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lead. Oval. Hollow Back. ALVC cannot determine authenticity. 7 1/4x10 5/8.
No Bid

Licensed Victuallers Fire and Life Insurance Compa
Licensed Victuallers Fire and Life Insurance Company. London, England. 1836 - 1857. Copper. Cluster of Grapes Raised on Convex Oval. Bottom Tag still on Mark but Sticking Up. Several holes in bottom of grape cluster. 11 7/8x9 7/8
BU873; W86A

Terryville Fire Department Belt. Lettering in Whit
Terryville Fire Department Belt. Lettering in White. Black Shiny Belt with Dark Burgurdy Edge and Background for the Lettering. 42 inches long.

Badge. Orange Vol. Fire Assn. Conn. Hoseman.
Badge. Orange Vol. Fire Assn. Conn. Hoseman.
No Bid

Legal Insurance Company. London, England. Tin.
Legal Insurance Company. London, England. Tin. Shield Shape. Good condition, no crushing, no paint.
BU1013; A99

Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Fire and Life Assur
Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Fire and Life Assurance Company. Nottingham, England. 1835-1869. Copper/Zinc. Words "Notts" and "Derby" are raised. No Crushing, End of garter is missing, which is very common. Hard mark to find.
BU871; W87E

Laclede Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance. Saint L
Laclede Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance. Saint Louis, Missouri. Heavy Zinc. Oval. 1/2 inch piece missing by nail hole.

Sun Insurance Office. London, England. Tin. Circ
Sun Insurance Office. London, England. Tin. Circular. Some color, no damage or crushing.
BU555; A3I

Aetna Insurance Company. Hartford, Connecticut.
Aetna Insurance Company. Hartford, Connecticut. Tin. Small Loss of Color, no Bends or Damage.

Mutuele Des Proprietaires, Sicietetares, coopertai
Mutuele Des Proprietaires, Sicietetares, coopertaires. France. Verviers. Excellent color, some rust on edges.

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Norwich, En
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Norwich, England. Tin.. 10 5/8x8 5/8.
No Bid

Mutua General de Seguros. Barcelona, Spain. Tin.
Mutua General de Seguros. Barcelona, Spain. Tin. 9 7/8x9 1/4

Landschaftliche Brandkasse Hannover . Hannover, G
Landschaftliche Brandkasse Hannover . Hannover, Germany. Iron. Slightly Convexed. circa 1928-1935
E-82L: BU1341 var.

Grenades. Original Case with 5 Red Comet Fire Ext
Grenades. Original Case with 5 Red Comet Fire Extinguishers Grenades in Case. Each is Still Full. No Advertising on Case.

Firemans Fund Fire Helmet. Hard Plastic. Manufac
Firemans Fund Fire Helmet. Hard Plastic. Manufactured by Parker Plastics Inc. Lower Lane Cal. 14 3/4 longx7 inches tall

Guardian Arm Badge. Zinc. Heavy for its size. Fr
Guardian Arm Badge. Zinc. Heavy for its size. From the GRE Collection. Circa 1920s. May have been made for display purposes. 3 1/2x4 1/2.

London Assurance, London, England. Heavy Tin. 11
London Assurance, London, England. Heavy Tin. 11 5/8x10. Convexed Seated Figure of Britannia. Gold Lettering Raised.
BU608; W-9I

English Tall Cannonade Bucket. Black Paint over P
English Tall Cannonade Bucket. Black Paint over Pressed Wood. 20 inches tall x 6 inches diameter at bottom. Handle still in place. Some of the top of the bucket has broken off. Might be part of the Kit for a Ceremonial Artillery piece. Actual use was to carry the "shot."
No Bid

Royal Exchange Assurance. London, England. Lead.
Royal Exchange Assurance. London, England. Lead. 7 1/8x6 1/4. Raised Royal Exchange on Convexed Pear. Panel Below with Policy #186313 Circa 1801.
BU624; W10J
No Bid

Queen City Insurance Company. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1
Queen City Insurance Company. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1851-1870. Tin. Round. Raised Border. 8 inch diameter. Mark has been repainted with Black Flat Paint and Gold for Lettering and Steam Fire Engine.

County Fire Office. London, England. Copper. Re
County Fire Office. London, England. Copper. Rectangular. 8 1/2x6 1/2.Figure of Britannia extremely raised.. Damaged. Poor Condition.
BU761; W45B

Scottish Union & National Insurance Company. Porc
Scottish Union & National Insurance Company. Porcelain on Enameled Steel. Slightly Convex. Made in England by xxxhal Enamel Co, Ltd New York.

Insured in the Michael Kirsch Agency. Fire Mark.
Insured in the Michael Kirsch Agency. Fire Mark. Tin. 7x3 3/8.

Salop Fire Office. Shrewsbury, England. circa 18
Salop Fire Office. Shrewsbury, England. circa 1890. Copper. 7 3/4x7 3/8.
BU671; W20B

Phoenix Assurance Company. London, England. Tin.
Phoenix Assurance Company. London, England. Tin. Lithographed design and lettering. Brightly colored. 9 1/4x7 7/8.
BU687; A230 T1

Prvni Ceska. Vzajemna Pojistovna. Czechoslovakia
Prvni Ceska. Vzajemna Pojistovna. Czechoslovakia Fire Mark. Enameled Iron on Steel.

Britannic Assurance Co., Ltd. Glass Sign. Black B
Britannic Assurance Co., Ltd. Glass Sign. Black Background with White Lettering. Original Metal Frame. 14x9 1/2.

State Auto Insurance Mutual Assn. Auto Tag. Copp
State Auto Insurance Mutual Assn. Auto Tag. Copper.

Societe General D Assurances Ottomane. Istanbul,
Societe General D Assurances Ottomane. Istanbul, Turkey. 1906-1918. Tin. Bottom Panel of Mark only - top is missing. Removed from house in Larnaca, Cyprus.

Continental Insurance Company. New York, New York
Continental Insurance Company. New York, New York. Tin. House Paint. 7x3 3/8.
No Bid

New Jersey Insurance Company. Newark. Brass with
New Jersey Insurance Company. Newark. Brass with Original Wood Frame. New Jersey State Seal, Lettering and Borders Etched Brass.

La Polar Sociedad. Bilbao, Spain. Tin. Mark is
La Polar Sociedad. Bilbao, Spain. Tin. Mark is 7 7/8x7 3/8.

Compagnie D Assurance D Assurance D Anvers Securit
Compagnie D Assurance D Assurance D Anvers Securitas Societe Anonyme. Antwerp, Belgium. Tin. Oval. 9 3/8x7 5/8.

Russian Insurance Society. St. Petersburg, Russia
Russian Insurance Society. St. Petersburg, Russia. Heavy Tin. Pycckoe Ctpaxoboe Ogwectbo 1867. 12x9 3/4.

Westchester Fire Insurance Co. of New York. Estab
Westchester Fire Insurance Co. of New York. Established 1837. Tin with Wood Frame. Glass covering Sign - not reverse glass. Gold Lettering. Simulated Wood Grain Background. 12 1/4x28.

Aetna Ledger Marker. Insure with the Aetna. Hartf
Aetna Ledger Marker. Insure with the Aetna. Hartford, Conn. Fire & Inland. 1819 Incorporated. Reverse Side has Net Aetna Assets. 67 $4,273,269.81.

La Confiance Compagnie D Assurances Contre L Incen
La Confiance Compagnie D Assurances Contre L Incendie et Les Explosions. Paris, France. Tin. Rectangular. 10 7/8x8. Oval Center with Raised Figure. Raised Lettering.

Panellinios Asphalistiki Heteria. Piraeus, Greece
Panellinios Asphalistiki Heteria. Piraeus, Greece. Tin. Raised Blue Lettering on Cream Background. 9 3/4x6 5/8
No Bid

Le Phenix Belge Societe Anonyme D Assurances et De
Le Phenix Belge Societe Anonyme D Assurances et De Reassurances. Antwerp, Belgium. Zinc. Raised Phoenix, Lettering and Border. 10 7/8x9 1/4.

Societe National D Assurances Balkan Incendie et T
Societe National D Assurances Balkan Incendie et Transports. Sofia, Bulgaria. TIN. oVAL. 10X7 1/8

Mare Nostrum Sociedad Anonima de Seguros y Reasegu
Mare Nostrum Sociedad Anonima de Seguros y Reaseguros. Palma De Mallorca. Balearic Islands, Spain. Aluminum 6x4 3/8.
1689 var.

Societe Suisse Pour L Assurance du Mobilier. Bern
Societe Suisse Pour L Assurance du Mobilier. Berne, Switzerland. Tin. Rectangular. 9 7/8x7 1/4. Cream Background with Red and Black Design and Lettering.

Paris, France. Le Centre Mutuel. Societe D Assur
Paris, France. Le Centre Mutuel. Societe D Assurances Contre L Incendie. Fondee en 1853. Tin. 11 7/8x8 1/4. Mounted on thick piece of wood.

North British Insurance Company. London, England.
North British Insurance Company. London, England. Versichert bei. North British. gegrundet 1809. Heavy Tin. 7 3/16x5 1/8. Used in Austria..

La Belgique Societe Anonyme Compagnie D Assurances
La Belgique Societe Anonyme Compagnie D Assurances. Brussels, Belgium. Zinc. 9 1/8x6 1/2.

Chicago Battalion Chief Badge. Hallmarked Blackin
Chicago Battalion Chief Badge. Hallmarked Blackington.
No Bid

Firemans Ball. Dance Card. Inside card on right
Firemans Ball. Dance Card. Inside card on right is the invitation for the Jan. 20, 1911 Ball. On inside left side is a rhyme asking to come to the Ball to help pay for the new fire engine.
No Bid

Quaker City Underwriters. Alumunum with Wood Fram
Quaker City Underwriters. Alumunum with Wood Frame. Etched Black Lettering with Red etched Company Emblem. 25 5/8x10 5/8. Some white "drops" on front of sign.
323 Var.

New Amsterdam Casualty Company. Surety - Casualty
New Amsterdam Casualty Company. Surety - Casualty. Brass with Wood Frame. 28 3/8x16 3/8 including frame. No Brass Chain on back. Etched Black Lettering.

County Fire Office. London, England. 1807-1906.
County Fire Office. London, England. 1807-1906. Copper. 9 5/8x6 5/8. No holes.
BU762; W45F

State Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company. H
State Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Hannibal, Missouri. 1865-1873. Zinc. Slightly enlarged nail hole where it was taken off building.