Alliance Mutual 10x4 Heavy Metal Sign
Alliance Mutual 10x4 Heavy Metal Sign
No Bid

Parade Ribbon Atlantic Fire Co. No2 June 11, 1889
Parade Ribbon Atlantic Fire Co. No2 June 11, 1889 Parade

Auto Tag American Farmers Insurance Co. Lake Elmo
Auto Tag American Farmers Insurance Co. Lake Elmo Minn
Print - Cardboard - not framed. Amsterdam. A vie
Print - Cardboard - not framed. Amsterdam. A view of the Stad House and the Engines for extinguishing Fire at Vue de la Maison de Ville. Published 12th May 1794.
Sun Alliance 1710 Ribbon or Bookmark. On back say
Sun Alliance 1710 Ribbon or Bookmark. On back says Call the Freephone hotline 0800 22 1710. Donated by Howard Girdlestone - all proceeds to FMCA
FDNY Baseball Cap. Fire Department of New York Ci
FDNY Baseball Cap. Fire Department of New York City. Navy.
Bests Special Report - San Francisco Losses and Se
Bests Special Report - San Francisco Losses and Settlements of the 243 institutions involved in the Conflagration of April 18-21, 1906. 63 pages. 8x4" Copyright 1907 by Alfred M. Best Company. Donated by H. Girdlestone - all proceeds to FMCA
Paperweight. Fire Line Pass - Board of Fire Commi
Paperweight. Fire Line Pass - Board of Fire Commissioners. Phoenix Society - San Francisco. Donated by H. Girdlestone. All proceeds to FMCA
Insulator. Turquoise glass. Etched on front is "
Insulator. Turquoise glass. Etched on front is "City Fire Alarm."

Burwood plaque for American Equitable Assurance Co
Burwood plaque for American Equitable Assurance Company of New York. 10" wide and 11+" tall. High relief seal and other details. Heavy.

Old Cabinet Card showing British Fireman in his fu
Old Cabinet Card showing British Fireman in his full uniform. 4" x 6.5". Very clear.

4.5" x 9" brass elevator inspection plate for the
4.5" x 9" brass elevator inspection plate for the General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corp., Ltd. These were hung on elevators to advertise the company much like a fire mark was hung on a house.

Large Burwood wall plaque for the North River Insu
Large Burwood wall plaque for the North River Insurance Co of NY. About 14" tall by 12" wide. Felt and hanger on back.Letters and emblem are raised.

8.5" x 6" cabinet card photo of a "running team".
8.5" x 6" cabinet card photo of a "running team". These firemen would compete with others in foot races pulling their hose reel. Card has some corner and edge damage but image is clear and complete. Marked on back- Peru, Indiana- 1904. All firemen have a "4" on their smock. Pretty rare image.
Deck of Cards. Says Great Southwest Insurance Com
Deck of Cards. Says Great Southwest Insurance Company, Atlanta, GA 404 320-4200 on box. Donated by H. Girdlestone. All proceeds to FMCA.

Book-The Historical Collection of the Insurance Co
Book-The Historical Collection of the Insurance Company of North America (1945 Edition) Excellent Condition

Home Mutual Insurance Co., Saint Louis, Missouri.
Home Mutual Insurance Co., Saint Louis, Missouri. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU162. Resin. 9 1/4x6 5/8. Made by William Spencer, Rancocas Woods, N.J.

Fidelity Associates Plaque. Oval. Resin. 8 1/2x
Fidelity Associates Plaque. Oval. Resin. 8 1/2x6 1/4. Made by Walter E. Lee, Inc.

Associated Firemens Insurance, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl
Associated Firemens Insurance, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Cut out Fireman. 8 x 7 1/2. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU191. Resin.
No Bid

Fire Association of Philadelphia. Cut out of FA F
Fire Association of Philadelphia. Cut out of FA Fire Mark. Aluminum. Made by Sexton, USA

Associated Firemens Insurance, Baltimore, Maryland
Associated Firemens Insurance, Baltimore, Maryland. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU166. Very Heavy Metal. Made by V/M 22-6. 11 1/2x9.

Royal Insurance Company, Liverpool, England. Repr
Royal Insurance Company, Liverpool, England. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU891. Resin. On Back of Mark is large sticker with heading "Fire Mark -Royal Insurance company 1845-. Original Mark made of heavy tin or copper. Colors authentic." Made by Karl Wentsel Company. 9 1/2x11 3/4.
No Bid

Washington County Fire Plaque. Resin. 11 3/4x8 3
Washington County Fire Plaque. Resin. 11 3/4x8 3/4.

Firemans Fund Insurance Co. Reproduction of Fire M
Firemans Fund Insurance Co. Reproduction of Fire Mark. Cast Metal. 6 3/4x9 1/2.

Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia,
Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Reproduction of Fire Mark BU46. Cast Metal. Made by William Spencer, Rancocas Woods, N.J. 8x10 1/2.

De Soto Rural Fire Protection Assn. 32 Years of S
De Soto Rural Fire Protection Assn. 32 Years of Service. De Soto, MO. Metal Plaque. Exp. July 1, 1982. 6 1/4x3 3/8. Light weight Tin.

Parade Ribbon/Muster Ribbon. Merrill Hose No. 2 C
Parade Ribbon/Muster Ribbon. Merrill Hose No. 2 Canandaigua, N.Y. at Syrcause 1885

Convention Badge. Ohio Fire Chiefs Convention, Au
Convention Badge. Ohio Fire Chiefs Convention, Aug 4-5-6, 1910. Toledo, Ohio. Very good condition.

Penn Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Fram
Penn Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Framed Trade Card showing Financials as of Jan. 1, 1874. Card is 9 3/8x4 1/2 while frame is 13 3/4x8 5/8.

Philadelphia Convention Ribbon. 23rd Annual Conve
Philadelphia Convention Ribbon. 23rd Annual Convention to Bradford, PA. October 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 1902. Very good condition.
Sign. The Big "I" hand punched on tin. Frame is b
Sign. The Big "I" hand punched on tin. Frame is barn board. Signed by Tom Drye, Billings, Mont, dated 2-12-76. 26 3/8x 32 3/4
No Bid
Picture. The American Fireman, Always Ready. Pri
Picture. The American Fireman, Always Ready. Print of Currier & Ives Lithograph. 22 1/8 x17 1/8.
Sign done in needlepoint. Hand Made. "Your Indepe
Sign done in needlepoint. Hand Made. "Your Independent Insurance Agent serves you first." Framed in red. 18 3/8 x 15.
No Bid
Picture. Framed print of Deluge Firehouse and Hun
Picture. Framed print of Deluge Firehouse and Hunneman engine from Newton, New Hampshire. Displayed at Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum. Done in pencil drawing,framed and matted. 20 1/8 x 18 5/8

Heavy Bronze desk calendar/ pen holder made for th
Heavy Bronze desk calendar/ pen holder made for the 150th Anniversary of the Phoenix Fire Insurance Co. in 1932. Very ornate with early 1700s fire apparatus and a 1930 firetruck depicted. Eagle rising from flames and dates. Really nice item.

10" square Pekin (Illinois) Insurance sign made of
10" square Pekin (Illinois) Insurance sign made of heavy plexiglass.
No Bid

Advertising pocket knife from the Home Insurance C
Advertising pocket knife from the Home Insurance Co. of New York. Has knife blade and fold out scissors. Hammered finish on both sides with lettering on one side. 3" when closed.
Book. The Managerial Mind. Science and Theory in
Book. The Managerial Mind. Science and Theory in Policy Decisions. Published 1977. 701 pages.
No Bid
Book. Principles of Insurance. By Mehr and Camma
Book. Principles of Insurance. By Mehr and Cammack. Published in 1980. 771 pages.
Booklet. Risk Management Practices in the Fire Se
Booklet. Risk Management Practices in the Fire Service. Published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration in December 1996. 146 pages. No pictures. Very good condition. No tears or stains.
No Bid
Catalog of Insurance Company Advertising Signs fro
Catalog of Insurance Company Advertising Signs from 1800 - 1940. Published by the FMCA 1983. 62 pages.
Book. The Annals of The American Academy of Polit
Book. The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, Risk and Its Treatment: Changing Societal Consequences. Volume 443, May 1979. 201 pages.
No Bid
Book. Personnel Management. By Michael J. Jucius
Book. Personnel Management. By Michael J. Jucius. Published 1975. 544 pages.
No Bid
Sign. Agents for The London & Lancashire Insuranc
Sign. Agents for The London & Lancashire Insurance Co. Ltd. Fire - Accident - Marine. Solid Brass. Very heavy for its size. 15 1/4x10 5/8
Book. Hundreds of Hunnemans. By Edward R. Tufts.
Book. Hundreds of Hunnemans. By Edward R. Tufts. Published 1978. 160 pages. Lots of black and white pictures of Hunneman fire engines.
Footprints of Assurance Book. By Alwin E. Bulau.
Footprints of Assurance Book. By Alwin E. Bulau. Published 1953. The "bible" for Fire Mark collectors. Wrapping around the book to protect it.
No Bid
Auto Tag. This Car Protected By Inter-State Autom
Auto Tag. This Car Protected By Inter-State Automobile. Milwaukee. 2 3/4 round
Auto Tag. Grange Insurance Service. 4 1/2x3 1/4
Auto Tag. Grange Insurance Service. 4 1/2x3 1/4
Firemans Fund Key Holder. 1 3/4x1 1/8 with origin
Firemans Fund Key Holder. 1 3/4x1 1/8 with original box.
Letter Opener. One side says "Guarantors Liabilit
Letter Opener. One side says "Guarantors Liability Indemnity Co." with ornate building. In very small letters "Full Paid Capital $500,000" On other side "Head Office 713 Chestnut Str. Philadelphia PA"
Paperweight/Mirror. The American National Fire In
Paperweight/Mirror. The American National Fire Insurance Company Columbus, Ohio. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary 1914 o o 1939. Mirror on other side. Excellent condition.
Knife Sharpener. National Security Fire Insurance
Knife Sharpener. National Security Fire Insurance Co. Omaha Neb. On Front "Keep Your Knife Sharp and Go After Business for..." On back is flat surface to sharpen knife. Does not appear to have been used much - no scratches. Excellent condition.
Rate Book. Aetna Life Insurance Company 1955. Al
Rate Book. Aetna Life Insurance Company 1955. Also in book are small booklets for 1)Non-Participating Whole Life Paid-Up at 85 June 1, 1955 2)Memo to Aetna Life Agents dated November 28, 1955 re. Juvenile 21 Special Life Ages 11 to 15 3)Booklet Supplemental Ten Year Term Insurance Agreement 1955 4)Typed Page showing Non-Participating Special 25 Payment Life 25th Year Cash Values.
No Bid

Historical account of NY Fire Department- 1900-197
Historical account of NY Fire Department- 1900-1975. 234 pages of text and illustrations. By Gus Johnson. Nice shape with original dust jacket.
No Bid
Valiant Hose No. 2 Sign. Ever Alert. Wood. 23 1
Valiant Hose No. 2 Sign. Ever Alert. Wood. 23 1/4x9 1/4. Made by Yorkraft, Inc. York, Pennsylvania.
No Bid
Blue Grenade. Small. 3 3/4 tall. Glass. No Mar
Blue Grenade. Small. 3 3/4 tall. Glass. No Markings.
Bests Insurance Guide - 1930 Annual Edition. 604
Bests Insurance Guide - 1930 Annual Edition. 604 pages. 8 3/8x4 1/2. Donated by H. Girdlestone. All proceeds to the FMCA.
Best Insurance Guide with Key Ratings. 1940 Annua
Best Insurance Guide with Key Ratings. 1940 Annual Edition. 110 pages. 8 1/2x4 1/4. Donated by H. Girdlestone. All proceeds to the FMCA.
National Association of Credit Men. Booklet. Rep
National Association of Credit Men. Booklet. Report of Special Committee on Settlements made by Fire Insurance Companies in connection with the San Francisco Disaster. 15 pages. Dated May 15, 1907. Reprint. Donated by H. Girdlestone. All proceeds to the FMCA
Booklet. Insurance Company Automobile Tags by Rob
Booklet. Insurance Company Automobile Tags by Robert Shea and Albert Wills. Copyright 1988. 44 pages.
Booklet. Historical Sketch Aetna Life & Casualty.
Booklet. Historical Sketch Aetna Life & Casualty. April, 1974. 9 pages.
No Bid
Paperweight. Sixty-Fifth Anniversary North Americ
Paperweight. Sixty-Fifth Anniversary North American Accident Insurance Company 1886 - 1951 Keep Pace. Donated by P.Faber to FMCA. All Proceeds to FMCA
Pamphlet. Baltimore Fire Marks, A Short Introduct
Pamphlet. Baltimore Fire Marks, A Short Introduction. Printed September 1989. 20 pages.
Booklet. So You Want To Be A Supervisor! by Elto
Booklet. So You Want To Be A Supervisor! by Elton Reeves. 133 pages. Copyright 1982.
No Bid
Booklet. Firehouse Collectibles. By Mary Jane an
Booklet. Firehouse Collectibles. By Mary Jane and Jame Piatti. An Illustrated Guide to Fire Department Memorabilia from the Colonial Era to the Present Day. Published 1979.
$No Show
Booklet. The Anatomy of an Agent or Would you wan
Booklet. The Anatomy of an Agent or Would you want your Daughter to Marry One? by Albert Gerecht. Copyright 1970. 43 pages.
Lloyds of London Insurance Policy for J.A. Mall Gr
Lloyds of London Insurance Policy for J.A. Mall Grain Company. Date of Expiry: 2nd July, 1964. Folded in picture. 16 1/2" long when unfolded.
Book. Still Flying And Nailed To The Mast. The F
Book. Still Flying And Nailed To The Mast. The First Hundred Years Of The Firemans Fund Insurance Company. By William Bronson. Copyright 1962. 191 pages.
No Bid
Uniformed Firemens Association, Fire Department Ci
Uniformed Firemens Association, Fire Department City of New York. Twenty Eighth Annual Entertainment and Reception Take Away. January 13th 1945. All pages are in very good condition except back cover is torn.
Booklet. FIRE The Second Avenue Story. New York
Booklet. FIRE The Second Avenue Story. New York Telephone: Trial and Triumph. Published 1975. 49 pages.
Ink Blotters (2). One is: Minneapolis fire and M
Ink Blotters (2). One is: Minneapolis fire and Marine Insurance Company. Second one is: The Granite State Fire Insurance Company.
Ink Blotters (2). One is Traders and Mechanics Mu
Ink Blotters (2). One is Traders and Mechanics Mutual Insurance. Second is Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
Paper Items. (3) 1. Paid receipt dated May 31,
Paper Items. (3) 1. Paid receipt dated May 31, 1901. 2. Paid receipt dated May 15, 1906. 3. Paid receipt May 15, 1906.
No Bid
Paper Items. (2). 1. Lafayette Fire Insurance C
Paper Items. (2). 1. Lafayette Fire Insurance Co. Receipt dated May 20th 1880. 2. Paid Receipt for policy for 1 yr from 1 June 1882
Paper Items. (3) The Phenix Insurance Company. 3
Paper Items. (3) The Phenix Insurance Company. 3 Paid Receipts dated December 21st 1876, December 21st 1887, December 21st 1881.
Journal of Engine Co. 79, N.Y. Fire Department. F
Journal of Engine Co. 79, N.Y. Fire Department. From Saturday, Aug. 13th 1932 to Monday, October 31st 1932. 500 pages. Wonderful condition. Just like the one in auction last year.
Another picture of the Journal pages.
Another picture of the Journal pages.
5 Small Booklets encased in plastic (open at top f
5 Small Booklets encased in plastic (open at top for review). Published by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (pub. date in ().) Each are about 15-17 pages. 5 7/8x4 1/2 Biography of each person. Very good condition for all. This auction lot consists of: Alexander Hamilton (1922), Daniel Webster (1923), Patrick Henry (1924), John Marshall (1925), Andrew Jackson (1926).
5 Booklets Published by John Hancock Mutual Life I
5 Booklets Published by John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Biography of each person. Very good condition since protected in cover but open at top for review. Each booklet is about 15-17 pages. 5 7/8x4 3/8. Auction lots are: (with publish dates in parentheses) Alexander Hamilton (1922), James Madison (1922), John Adams (1923), Daniel Webster (1923), Patrick Henry (1924).

Print. "Fish Street Hill" and Fire Brigade" depic
Print. "Fish Street Hill" and Fire Brigade" depicting a parade of Royal Exchange Firemen. From "Old England" book. 7"x10" Not Framed but Mounted on Backing.
No Bid
Niagara Fire Insurance Company Policy. Safety Fun
Niagara Fire Insurance Company Policy. Safety Fund Policy expires January 3, 1887. Excellent condition.
Continental Insurance Company Policy. Standard Fi
Continental Insurance Company Policy. Standard Fire Policy - Expires November 5, 1898. Excellent Condition.
Trustees of the Nevada Christian University - Warr
Trustees of the Nevada Christian University - Warranty Deed - real estate in Missouri. Filed for record 21st Day of December 1889.
Bond. Obligor is Fred and Esther Dawson and Hacke
Bond. Obligor is Fred and Esther Dawson and Hackensack Coal and Lumber Company is Obligee. Issued: September 16, 1919 Due: September 16, 1922. Interest 6%. Excellent condition.
Pyrene Fire Extinguisher. Hand-held. Copper.
Pyrene Fire Extinguisher. Hand-held. Copper. 14 1/2 long. Serial/Registration #T722400.
Presto Fire Extinguisher with original box and met
Presto Fire Extinguisher with original box and metal holder. Metal holder says Firex Corporation, St. Louis, Mo. Pat. 1.869,503, 1,962,695
No Bid

Printing Block: Auto Owners Insurance Company: 11/
Printing Block: Auto Owners Insurance Company: 11/16" square to supplement your auto tag from the same company

Medal: Michigan Mutual Liability Company: 13/16" m
Medal: Michigan Mutual Liability Company: 13/16" medal with same logo as auto tag

Key Ring: Madison County Mutual Automobile Ins. Co
Key Ring: Madison County Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.: Nice companion piece with same layout as your auto tag from the same company.

Book-As you Pass By (1952 Edition) Excellent Condi
Book-As you Pass By (1952 Edition) Excellent Condition

Book-Sign of Insurance, Excellent Condition
Book-Sign of Insurance, Excellent Condition

Company Plaque 9"x12" Nord-Deutsche Und Hamburg-Br
Company Plaque 9"x12" Nord-Deutsche Und Hamburg-Bremer, Plastic, Excellent Condition
No Bid

Auto Tag (1974) Tokio Marine & Fire, Excellent Con
Auto Tag (1974) Tokio Marine & Fire, Excellent Condition w/1 small hole

Fire Mark Replica of BU1182, Butterfield & Swire,
Fire Mark Replica of BU1182, Butterfield & Swire, Shanghai, China, Good Condition, Damaged Corner
No Bid

Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Sign. 12"
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Sign. 12" wide x 17" high. Glass on Wood.

New Hampshire Insurance Group Plaque - Encased in
New Hampshire Insurance Group Plaque - Encased in wood. 10"x10"
No Bid

American Fire and Casualty Company plaque. Orland
American Fire and Casualty Company plaque. Orlando, Florida. Encased in wood. 10"x10"
No Bid

Firemans Fund Insurance Companies Plaque. Encased
Firemans Fund Insurance Companies Plaque. Encased in wood. 10"x6 3/4"
No Bid

Maryland Casualty Insurance Company, representing
Maryland Casualty Insurance Company, representing The Maryland, an American General Company. Plaque. Encased in wood. Very small chip at right top. 10"x10"
No Bid

Bronze Calendar Pad Holder - Liverpool & London &
Bronze Calendar Pad Holder - Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co., Ltd. - 100th Anniversary, 1936 (Mfg. Bastian Bros.) - 6.5 x 9 in. - VGC
No Bid

Bronze Letter Holder - The Fidelity Mutual Life In
Bronze Letter Holder - The Fidelity Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.) - Home Office Bldg. Embossed On Front - 6 inches Wide - Excellent Cond.
No Bid

Book - Footprints Of Assurance - Excellent Conditi
Book - Footprints Of Assurance - Excellent Condition - No Dust Jacket

Book - Signs Of Insurance - Excellent Condition -
Book - Signs Of Insurance - Excellent Condition - Never Used

Plaque/sign of Pumper. Heavy metal. 9 1/2" x 8 7
Plaque/sign of Pumper. Heavy metal. 9 1/2" x 8 7/8". Back says The Artcaster Harleysville, PA FM 15
No Bid

Druggists Mutual Insurance Plaque. Heavy wood-lik
Druggists Mutual Insurance Plaque. Heavy wood-like material. 10 3/4"x11 1/4". Made by Walter E. Lee Inc.

Mutual Insurance Company Reproduction Fire Mark.
Mutual Insurance Company Reproduction Fire Mark. "Historic Charleston Reproduction by John Wright" on back. 9 1/4" x 7 3/8" Very Heavy Metal.

Pennsylvania Ins. Co. Reproduction Fire Mark. Cas
Pennsylvania Ins. Co. Reproduction Fire Mark. Cast Metal. 7 1/2"x 4 1/2"

Sun Insurance, London 1710. Reproduction Fire Mark
Sun Insurance, London 1710. Reproduction Fire Mark. Resin. Made by Walter E. Lee, Inc. 6 3/4" oval.
No Bid

Northern Assurance Company, London, England. Repr
Northern Assurance Company, London, England. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU876. Resin. Made by Walter E. Lee, Inc. 9"x6 5/8"
No Bid

Yorkshire Fire/Life, Established 1824. Reproducti
Yorkshire Fire/Life, Established 1824. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU854. Resin. 11 3/8"x9 1/2"
No Bid

UFIC Reproduction Fire Mark. Heavy Cast Metal. 7
UFIC Reproduction Fire Mark. Heavy Cast Metal. 7 1/2"x10 7/8"
No Bid

Sun Insurance Company. Reproduction Fire Mark of B
Sun Insurance Company. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU550. Heavy Aluminum. 5 1/2"x7" oval.

Eagle Insurance Company. London, England. Reprod
Eagle Insurance Company. London, England. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU766. Brass.

Firemans Fund Ins. Co. Reproduction Fire Mark. Ca
Firemans Fund Ins. Co. Reproduction Fire Mark. Cast Metal. 7 7/8x4 1/2

United Firemens Ins. Co. Reproduction Fire Mark of
United Firemens Ins. Co. Reproduction Fire Mark of BU320. Resin. 10 3/8x8 1/2
No Bid

Charleston Fire Insurance Company Reproduction Fir
Charleston Fire Insurance Company Reproduction Fire Mark of BU81. 7 1/2x9. Cast Metal. Historic Charleston Reproductions by John Wright.

American States Insurance Company Plaque. Wood wi
American States Insurance Company Plaque. Wood with inlay.
$No Show

Gulf Guaranty Insurance Company Plaque. Brass inl
Gulf Guaranty Insurance Company Plaque. Brass inlay.
No Bid

Michigan Mutual Insurance Company Plaque. Encased
Michigan Mutual Insurance Company Plaque. Encased in Wood.
No Bid

Cast Iron horse-drawn fire engine. 21" long by 8"
Cast Iron horse-drawn fire engine. 21" long by 8" high. Nice detail. Very heavy painted, cast iron toy repro. Nice condition.

15.5" x 20" office plaque for INA. Real wood fram
15.5" x 20" office plaque for INA. Real wood frame with heavy, non-metal fire mark replica and name.
No Bid

Flourtown Fire Company Plaque. Composite Board.
Flourtown Fire Company Plaque. Composite Board. 7 3/4x10 7/8.
No Bid

London Guarantee and Accident Co., Ltd. Elevator T
London Guarantee and Accident Co., Ltd. Elevator Tag.

Thuringa Insurance Company 1901 Calendar. Erfurt,
Thuringa Insurance Company 1901 Calendar. Erfurt, Germany. 10 3/4x13 3/4.
New York Life Insurance Envelope dated Mar 26, 189
New York Life Insurance Envelope dated Mar 26, 1891.
Insurance Company of North America Paper Envelope.
Insurance Company of North America Paper Envelope. Dated Aug 19 1893.
Springfield Fire Co. 1920. Metal Plaque/Sign. 10
Springfield Fire Co. 1920. Metal Plaque/Sign. 10 7/8"x10 7/8"
Brass Nozzle. Old. 13 1/4" long. Heavy.
Brass Nozzle. Old. 13 1/4" long. Heavy.
Maryland Life Insurance Company Almanac. 1898. 4
Maryland Life Insurance Company Almanac. 1898. 46 pages. Very good condition.

Gulf Guaranty Insurance Company Wood Plaque.
Gulf Guaranty Insurance Company Wood Plaque.
$No Show

Liberty National Fire Insurance Company. Vesta In
Liberty National Fire Insurance Company. Vesta Insurance Corporation. Wood Plaque.
$No Show

No Bid