Union Assurance Society. London, England. Oval.
Union Assurance Society. London, England. Oval. Heavy Copper. Reproduction of a Firemen's Arm Badge. 8 1/4x7 1/8.

Fire Association of Philadelphia Reproduction Fire
Fire Association of Philadelphia Reproduction Fire Mark. Oval. Composite Material. 10 1/2 x6 3/4

Brass Sign. 5 x 7. Burglary and Hold Up!. This B
Brass Sign. 5 x 7. Burglary and Hold Up!. This Bank is Insured in Royal Indemnity Company. $100.00 Reward will be paid for the Arrest followed by the Conviction of any persons robbing or attempting to rob this bank. Red Shield. Lettering is Etched Black.

Firemen Dress Hat with Captain's insignia on Front
Firemen Dress Hat with Captain's insignia on Front. The Buttons on each side says "Trenton F D." Circa Mid-20th Century. 44390_2018-0324 097.JPG
No Bid

Mutual Assurance Company. Philadelphia, Pennsylva
Mutual Assurance Company. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cast Iron. Reproduction Fire Mark of Bulau B38 (known as the Green Tree). Repainted. Reviewed by Auction Verification Committee in 2017. Determined to be a Reproduction. Reasons: Lots of Grinding with Pieces of Iron on Edge. Red Rust on Front. Uneven Thickness. Old Casting Circle of Reverse. At the Small Measurement of this Issue. Older Mark but not Authentic.

The Philadelphia Contributionship. Philadelphia,
The Philadelphia Contributionship. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Reproduction Fire Mark of Bulau 13. Unmounted Lead Clasped Hands of the Type issued about 1815. Reviewed by the Auction Verification Committee in 2017. Owner advised that it was a Reproduction and the ALVC agreed with that assessment. Vintage but not Original Hands from 1813.

American Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. Ink B
American Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. Ink Blotter. Very Good Condition.
No Bid

The American Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphi
The American Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Ink Blotter. Big for a Blotter - 9 1/2 x 4 7/8. Top Shows A. D. 1810. Bottom Shows Assets, January 1st, 1885 as $768,xxx. No Bends or Rips in Blotter but there is Ink Stains on Blotter - used for its intended purpose in the distance past.
No Bid

Ink Blotters - 5 for one price. Group Consists o
Ink Blotters - 5 for one price. Group Consists of: Agricultural Insurance Co., Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co., Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance, Phoenix Insurance, and Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. All 5 in very good condition with no rips, tears or stains.
No Bid

The Architectural Surveys. 1784-1794, Volume 1.
The Architectural Surveys. 1784-1794, Volume 1. Book. Papers of the Mutual Assurance Company. Anthony N.B. Garvan, General Editor, 1976. In original box. 331 pages 12 inches tall x 9 1/2 inches wide x 1 1/4 inches. Contains the insurance surveys for a large sampling of the company's first ten years of policies. Each policy reviewed has a large readable picture of the original handwritten survey, along with information about the insured and lists subsequent policyholders. Book's Prologue reviews the early years of the company.
No Bid

Mobile Fire Department Insurance Company. Mobile,
Mobile Fire Department Insurance Company. Mobile, Alabama. Reproduction Fire Mark of B395. Oval. Composite Material. 11 1/8 x 7 3/4. Red Fireman's Hat Raised. "M F D I Co" Raised Slightly on Black Background.

United Fireman's Insurance Company, Philadelphia.
United Fireman's Insurance Company, Philadelphia. Reproduction Fire Mark of Bulau 310. Cast Iron. 11 3/8 x 8 7/9. Reviewed by ALVC in 2017 and determined to be a Reproduction.

Paperweight. Est. 1836. Northern Insurance Compan
Paperweight. Est. 1836. Northern Insurance Company. Fire, Life. Capital L3000000.

Agency of the Liverpool & London & Globs Insurance
Agency of the Liverpool & London & Globs Insurance Company. Sign. Brass. Heavy for its Size. 9 1/8 x 14 1/2. Brass Raised Lettering on Black Background.

United States Fire Insurance Co., Western Departme
United States Fire Insurance Co., Western Department. Freeport, Illinois. Policy Ledger Book. 16 x 10 1/2. Pages are Empty inside Book.
No Bid

Deerbrook Insurance Company Plaque. Wood Back (or
Deerbrook Insurance Company Plaque. Wood Back (original to Plaque) with Plaque - White Background, Gold Border, Black and Blue Lettering with Blue Triangle
No Bid

London & Lancashire, London England. Fire Reprodu
London & Lancashire, London England. Fire Reproduction Fire Mark of B927. Shield Shape. 8 3/4 x 8 3/8. Heavy Lead.
No Bid

Salop Fire Office. Shrewsbury, England. Reproduc
Salop Fire Office. Shrewsbury, England. Reproduction Fire Mark. Heavy Lead. 7 1/8 x 7 7/8.
No Bid

Belt Buckle. Brass. America's Heroe's Fire Depart
Belt Buckle. Brass. America's Heroe's Fire Department. Raised Etched Lettering and Horses and Fire Equipment. At Bottom is "Boston."
No Bid

Home Insurance Reproduction Fire Mark on Wood. Ag
Home Insurance Reproduction Fire Mark on Wood. Agency Plaque. 9 5/8 x 6 3/4.

Knife. Silver. On both sides is Fire Department
Knife. Silver. On both sides is Fire Department Emblem in Red with Picture Two Firefighters and Fire Truck Fighting a Fire. Also Original Composite Wood Presentation Case Included. Knife is 6 1/2 x 1 1/4.
No Bid

Millers Mutual Ashtray/Tip Tray. 75th Anniversary
Millers Mutual Ashtray/Tip Tray. 75th Anniversary. 1877 - 1952. Gold Color with Indented Lettering. 4 inch diameter.

Funny Fire Item. Wood Plaque that says "In Case o
Funny Fire Item. Wood Plaque that says "In Case of Fire Raise This Flap." If you Open the Flap, Slightly Smaller Wood Piece says "Not Now Stupid! In Case of Fire" 8 7/8 x 4 1/4 for larger front piece.

Baltimore Equitable Society. Baltimore, Maryland.
Baltimore Equitable Society. Baltimore, Maryland. Reproduction Fire Mark of B57. Cast Iron. Repainted. Determined by Verification Committee to be a Reproduction because: Top & Sides of Edges are not Smooth and Irregular. No Detail on Finger Nails, esp. on Bottom, Red Rust in Hollow of Hands. Mark is Old but not 19th Century.

Fire Association of Philadelphia. Reproduction Fi
Fire Association of Philadelphia. Reproduction Fire Mark. Cast Iron. Reviewed by Verification Committee in 2017. Determined to be a Reproduction because there is no Water with a Flat "A".

Union Fire Insurance Company. Nashville, Tennesse
Union Fire Insurance Company. Nashville, Tennessee. Reproduction Fire Mark of B429. Cast Iron. Repainted. Determined to be Repro by Auction Verification Committee in 2017. Reasons: No Points on Top; Too Heavy.

Old Fire Marks Used by Insurance Company of North
Old Fire Marks Used by Insurance Company of North America. Sign. Composite Material to Appear to Look Like Wood. Four Fire Marks - one on each Edge of Sign Raised. Lettering is also raised. 20 3/8 x 12 1/2.

Gulf Insurance Company Plaque. Dallas, Texas. Fo
Gulf Insurance Company Plaque. Dallas, Texas. Founded 1925. Wood Backing with Black Lucite Material and Lettering. Map of Texas in Middle. Edging of Gulf Insurance Plaque has "damage"
No Bid

F.I Co. Reproduction Fire Mark. Cast Iron. Revie
F.I Co. Reproduction Fire Mark. Cast Iron. Reviewed by Verification Committee in 2017 and determined to be a reproduction. Reasons: No Tab on Back, Red Rust on Front and Back, Ground Edges, Poor Casting on Details. 13 1/4 x 11 3/4.

Miniature Reproduction Fire Mark of Fire Associati
Miniature Reproduction Fire Mark of Fire Association of Philadelphia. 3 1/4 x 2 1/4. Oval. Composite Material.
No Bid

Miniature Reproduction Fire Mark of the Green Tree
Miniature Reproduction Fire Mark of the Green Tree. Oval. Composite Material. 3 x 2 7/8.
No Bid

Fireman Collector "Doll". Byers Choice, Ltd. The
Fireman Collector "Doll". Byers Choice, Ltd. The Carolers. 13 3/4 inches tall.

Firex Small Sign. Authorized Dealer. FIREX Sentin
Firex Small Sign. Authorized Dealer. FIREX Sentinel Fire Extinguisher. Aluminum. Red Background with Grey (Aluminum) Lettering.

Two Old Wood Rulers. 1. Fireman's Fund Insurance
Two Old Wood Rulers. 1. Fireman's Fund Insurance Company. Milton, Pennsylvania Agent. 2. R. C. Bowman & Co, Inc. Salem, VA.

Republic Insurance Company. Dallas, Texas. Agenc
Republic Insurance Company. Dallas, Texas. Agency Plaque. Burwood. 13 1/4 10 3/4.

Charleston Fire Insurance Company. Reproduction F
Charleston Fire Insurance Company. Reproduction Fire Mark. Iron. Back of Mark says "Historic Charleston Reproductions by John Wright" 9 7 3/4.

Notary Public Sign. Bonded by Trinity Universal I
Notary Public Sign. Bonded by Trinity Universal Insurance Company. Dallas, Texas. Lightweight Brass. Black Background with Brass Lettering. 8 3/4 x 3 3/4

National-Ben Franklin Fire Insurance Co of Pittsbu
National-Ben Franklin Fire Insurance Co of Pittsburgh, Pa. Sign. Back has a Sticker. "This is a Crystoglas Sign. Manufactured by the Whitehead and Hoag Co, Newark, N.J." 7 7/8 x 14 7/8. Dark Blue Background with Recessed Gold Lettering

Miniature Fire Mark - with two hooks below - Assoc
Miniature Fire Mark - with two hooks below - Associated Firemen's Insurance Company. Black Metal. 4 1/4 x 4.

Badges of Extinction - the 18th and 19th Century B
Badges of Extinction - the 18th and 19th Century Badges of Insurance Office Firemen. Hardbound Book. By Brian Henham and Brian Sharp. Published 1989. Fire Badges worn by their Watermen. This book records the story of the early days of fire protection as well as give a detailed raissonne for each and every fire badge remaining extant at the present time. 104 pages. UK information only.

Royal-Globe Insurance Hard Hat. White Hard Plasti
Royal-Globe Insurance Hard Hat. White Hard Plastic. Royal-Globe Sticker on Front.
No Bid

Great Central Insurance Company. Home Office Peor
Great Central Insurance Company. Home Office Peoria, Illinois. Agency Plaque. Wood with Brass Insert. Raised Insurance Company Lettering and Lighthouse

United States Fire Insurance Company. Agency Plaq
United States Fire Insurance Company. Agency Plaque. Burwood Material. 13 3/8 x 13 5/8.

Small Fire Framed Print Showing Firefighter Carryi
Small Fire Framed Print Showing Firefighter Carrying Woman from Building. Bottom of Print says "Presented by the FMC to Commemorate the Joint Meeting with the FMCA. London April 1979." 6 3/4 x 5 3/8.
No Bid

Mutual Fire Insurance Co Advertising Piece. Oven
Mutual Fire Insurance Co Advertising Piece. Oven Cover. It Says "Keep Fire in Its Place. The Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Chestertown Maryland."

Royal Insurance Company Reproduction Fire Mark of
Royal Insurance Company Reproduction Fire Mark of B891. Aluminum Casting. Original Colors of Red, Gold and Green. 9 5/8 x 11 3/4.

Paper Advertising from Hartford Fire Insurance fro
Paper Advertising from Hartford Fire Insurance from 1959.
No Bid

Paper Magazine Advertising for National Board of F
Paper Magazine Advertising for National Board of Fire Underwriters. January 7, 1957.
No Bid

Paper Advertising for Massachusetts Mutual from 19
Paper Advertising for Massachusetts Mutual from 1956. Norman Rockwell Sketch.
No Bid

British Calendar from 1914. Sun Fire Office, Lond
British Calendar from 1914. Sun Fire Office, London. On Heavy Cardboard. 13 1/4 x 9 1/8. Very Good Condition.
No Bid

British Advertising Calendar for 1908. From the S
British Advertising Calendar for 1908. From the Sun Fire Office, London. Heavy Cardboard. 13 1/8 x 9 Paper Calendar at Bottom Right - 1/2 page for February 1908 and 1/2 Page for September to December 1908. Stains on Right Side at the Top.

The Romance of Firefighting. Hardbound Book. By
The Romance of Firefighting. Hardbound Book. By Robert P. Hotman. Published 1956. 209 Pages. Over 300 Pictures.

Sun Fire Office. British 12 page Book. Made from
Sun Fire Office. British 12 page Book. Made from Heavy Cardboard. Inside Front Page Lists Offices, Lines of Insurance Coverage, List of Directors and Assets/Liabilities/Total. Inside Back of Book shows Calendar for 1915 and Postal Rates and Other Useful Information. Paper pages in middle are unused but some stains do to age. Each page has "Sun Fire Office" at Top.

Maryland Casualty Company. Advertising Paperweigh
Maryland Casualty Company. Advertising Paperweight. 2 3/4 diameter. Same Printing and Designs on Both Sides.
No Bid

American Fore Loyalty Group Insurance Companies.
American Fore Loyalty Group Insurance Companies. Agency Plaque. 13 1/2 x 8 1/4.

British Fire Marks Advertising Calendar for 1972.
British Fire Marks Advertising Calendar for 1972.
No Bid

Unframed Reprint of Currier and Ives Lithograph.
Unframed Reprint of Currier and Ives Lithograph. The American Fireman, "Facing the Enemy" and "Prompt to the Rescue." Original Litho is from 1858.
No Bid

The Saturday Evening Post from February 22, 1937.
The Saturday Evening Post from February 22, 1937. Cover Page and Pages 2, 3 and 4. Seller indicates also Union Fire CL Alarm. Unable to Verify that Information.
No Bid

Road Transport & General Insurance Company Limited
Road Transport & General Insurance Company Limited. Sign. Black Background with White, Green, or Yellow Lettering. Yellow with Green House. 18 1/2 x 12.

Maryland Casualty Company Ink Blotters. Six for o
Maryland Casualty Company Ink Blotters. Six for one price. 1. March 1948; 2. April 1948; 3. May 1947; 4. June 1947; 5. July 1947; August 1947.
No Bid

Sun Insurance Office Calendar Book from 1893. 7 p
Sun Insurance Office Calendar Book from 1893. 7 pages. Heavy Cardboard on Front and Back. Back has "Sun" with 16 Rays. Inside Sun says "Calendar 1893". At top and bottom are the days and months of the year from January to December. Inside Front Page lists Offices, Directors and Assets of Company. Inside Back Page lists Postal and Other Useful Information. Very Good Condition for its Age. 7 Paper pages.
No Bid

Print with Wood Frame. Reprint of Currier & Ives
Print with Wood Frame. Reprint of Currier & Ives Lithograph of The Great Fire at Chicago, Oct. 8, 1871. 12 x 16 7/8.
No Bid

Three Postcards of Original Fire Engines. Post Ca
Three Postcards of Original Fire Engines. Post Cards appear to be from the Friendship Veterans Fire Engine Company, Alexandria, Virginia. Postcards have never been mailed and no writing on them.
No Bid

Old Fire Marks Booklet by W. Emmert Swigart. Penn
Old Fire Marks Booklet by W. Emmert Swigart. Penn Mutual Fire Insurance Co., West Chester, PA. 15 Pages.

Fireman's Fund Insurance Company of San Francisco.
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company of San Francisco. 1915 Calendar. Back of Booklet has List of Assets, Re-Ins. Reserves and Net Surplus for Years of 1908 - 1915. Small Booklet - 2 1/8 x 5 5/8.

The California Insurance Company. San Francisco.
The California Insurance Company. San Francisco. Small Booklet. 2 5/8 x 5 1/4. 1911 Calendar and Date Book. Good Condition for its Age. Some Darkening Stains on Front and Back.

Standard Fire Insurance Tables. 1894 - 1904. Fin
Standard Fire Insurance Tables. 1894 - 1904. Financial Condition and Business of American and Foreign Fire Insurance Companies for Ten Years ending Dec. 31 1903. Published by the Standard Publishing Company. Boston, Mass.

Note Pads. 1 for Great American Insurance Company
Note Pads. 1 for Great American Insurance Company, Newark, N. J. 1 for Home Insurance Company, New York. 1 for Franklin Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia. Total of 3 Note Pads.
No Bid

Two Paper Items. 1 is the booklet: Firefighting
Two Paper Items. 1 is the booklet: Firefighting Museum of the Home Insurance Company. 16 pages. 2 is the 11 page Booklet: Romance of the Insurance Business as Disclosed Through Ancient Fire Marks. by Elmer Bonstin.
No Bid

Two Booklets. 1: The Story of the Norwich Fire M
Two Booklets. 1: The Story of the Norwich Fire Marks. 37 pages. 2: Norwich Fire Marks & Plates. By Ernest Felce. 11 pages.
No Bid

Reproduction Fire Mark of The Baltimore Equitable
Reproduction Fire Mark of The Baltimore Equitable Society. Cast Iron. Repainted. Reviewed by Verification Committee and determined to be a Reproduction for the following reason: No Casting Number on Reverse. Note - this is probably an Old Mark but Casting not done on behalf of the Insurance Company for their Policyholders.

Beer Mug. Etched with "FMCA '92." Given to Memb
Beer Mug. Etched with "FMCA '92." Given to Members who attended the 1992 FMCA Convention. Very Nice Quality Mug.

Fireman's Parade Pin and Ribbon. Top says "Commit
Fireman's Parade Pin and Ribbon. Top says "Committee". Ribbon Says "Annual Convention Texas Firemen's Assn, Oleburn" Bottom Badge has various Fire Items in Middle. Damage to Ribbon - it is in Three Parts.
No Bid

Prudential Insurance Company Advertising Piece. B
Prudential Insurance Company Advertising Piece. Bust of George Washington made out of Metal. Wording at Bottom of Front Side says: I do not keep money to look at. G Washington. 6 inches tall x 2 1/2 x 3 3/4.

Framed Picture titled "Modern Fire Fighting Appara
Framed Picture titled "Modern Fire Fighting Apparatus. Atlantic Hose Carriage No. 1 of Brooklyn, N.Y. Period 1855" Picture was Created Especially for National Union Fire Insurance Co. from Authentic Rare Old Prints and Engravings. 23 5/8 x 19 3/4 including frame. Beautiful Framing too.

Shur-Stop Grenade and Holder. Liquid still in Gre
Shur-Stop Grenade and Holder. Liquid still in Grenade.
No Bid

Sun Insurance Company. Old Burl wood Plaque. Odd
Sun Insurance Company. Old Burl wood Plaque. Odd Shape. Sun Emblem, Lettering and Edging are Raised.

Continental Insurance Sign. Original Plastic Fram
Continental Insurance Sign. Original Plastic Frame. Sign is ? Material.

Security National Insurance. Plaque. Dallas, Tex
Security National Insurance. Plaque. Dallas, Texas. Sign fixed to Wood Backing.

Insurance by The Hartford. Sign. Plexiglass Fron
Insurance by The Hartford. Sign. Plexiglass Front on Wood. Hartford Stag with Company Lettering.

Fire Engine Bedspread by Bates. 96" x 84" (fits q
Fire Engine Bedspread by Bates. 96" x 84" (fits queen or double). Red and Green on Cream Color. Fire Trucks, Boots, Nozzles and Plugs. Excellent Condition. See next picture for another view

Fire Engine Bedspread. Second View. Very Unique.
Fire Engine Bedspread. Second View. Very Unique.

Associated Firemen's Insurance Company. Baltimore
Associated Firemen's Insurance Company. Baltimore, Maryland. Reproduction Fire Mark to B166. Reviewed by Verification Committee Several Years ago and determined to be a Reproduction. Looks like Old Iron but it is not an authentic B166.

Texas Fire Insurance Co. Paperweight. Lettering s
Texas Fire Insurance Co. Paperweight. Lettering says "Will Insure You Against Fire, Lightning and Tornado." "General Office, Waco, Texas." Chip on Edge. See next Picture
The Texas Fire Insurance Co. Glass Paperweight.
The Texas Fire Insurance Co. Glass Paperweight. Picture showing Chip in Edge.

West Licking Fire District. Inspector Fire Badge.
West Licking Fire District. Inspector Fire Badge. West Licking County, Ohio.

Friendswood Vol Fire Department. Texas House Tags
Friendswood Vol Fire Department. Texas House Tags. Three for one price. 1975, 1978 and 1979. Friendswood is in the Houston Area.

Glass Paperweight. Compliments of Houston Fire an
Glass Paperweight. Compliments of Houston Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Houston, Texas. Picture of Sam Houston on Front.

Jim Beam Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey Collector Decant
Jim Beam Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey Collector Decanter. Fire Chief C.F.D. 2 Seater Red Fire Engine. 14 3/4 inches long x 6 3/4 tall x 7 inches wide.

Druggists Capital Stock Fire Insurance Co. Adverti
Druggists Capital Stock Fire Insurance Co. Advertising Mirror/Paperweight. The American Druggists Fire Insurance Co. Home Office Cincinnati Ohio on One Side. Mirror on the Other Side.

Gamewell Turtle Gong. 6 inches in diameter. Wood
Gamewell Turtle Gong. 6 inches in diameter. Wood base on bottom was added.

The Home Insurance Company New York. Plaque. Ova
The Home Insurance Company New York. Plaque. Oval. Burwood Material. 12 inches in Diameter. Lettering and Borders are all Raised.

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Fiftieth An
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Fiftieth Anniversary as Agents Advertising Plaque. Presented to John Enk on March 7th 1933. Heavy. Shield Shape. Solid Wood. 14 inches x 17 1/8.

Aetna Insurance. Tip Tray/Advertising Piece. Bri
Aetna Insurance. Tip Tray/Advertising Piece. British Open 1975 Carnoustie, Scotland.
No Bid

Druggists Mutual Insurance Plaque. Made by Walter
Druggists Mutual Insurance Plaque. Made by Walter E. Lee Inc. Heavy for its Size. 11 x 11 1/4. Lettering and Emblem Raised.
No Bid

Brass Oval Advertising Piece. Replica of the Eagl
Brass Oval Advertising Piece. Replica of the Eagle from the Insurance Company of North America. Has 4 Screws on the Back that do NOT show on the Front. Heavy with Etched Eagle. 11 1/4 x 9 1/2.
No Bid

A Century of Achievement. Hardbound Book. Spring
A Century of Achievement. Hardbound Book. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company Story from 1849 - 1949. 66 pages.

The Cumberland Mutual Fire Insurance Company Bookl
The Cumberland Mutual Fire Insurance Company Booklet. Covering the Period from 1844 to 1969. 48 pages.

Orange County Firemen In-Service. Orange County,
Orange County Firemen In-Service. Orange County, New York. Hardbound Book. Published June 1976. 172 pages.
No Bid

Glossary of Insurance and Risk Management Terms.
Glossary of Insurance and Risk Management Terms. Third Edition. Published by International Risk Management Institute. May 1983. 212 Pages

Handbook of Insurance. by Clyde Crobaugh. Publish
Handbook of Insurance. by Clyde Crobaugh. Published by Prentice-Hall in 1931. 1413 pages. Hardbound Book.
No Bid

Avon Fire Alarm Box. Contains Pre-Shave Lotion.
Avon Fire Alarm Box. Contains Pre-Shave Lotion. Never Opened. Includes Original Box. Box is also Interesting Since it has Scene of Firemen in Old Fire Truck.

Firemen Tool for Fire Hydrant - possibly New York
Firemen Tool for Fire Hydrant - possibly New York City Fire Department. Metal. Front Has "NYC" Raised. Back has Corcraft 92-93 Etched on Tool. 17 1/4 inches long
No Bid

Fireman's Tool. Combo Fire Hydrant/Spanner Wrench
Fireman's Tool. Combo Fire Hydrant/Spanner Wrench. Red Painted Metal. 16 inches long Etched on Metal are "2", "M", "1 5/8".
No Bid

Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline Temperature Sign. Fire
Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline Temperature Sign. Fire Hat on Bottom. Dalmatian Dogs on Sign. Circa 2000.

Fire Truck Pumper Raised on Black Metal. Reproduc
Fire Truck Pumper Raised on Black Metal. Reproduction Fire Mark. 9 5/8 x 9 1/8.

Boston Fire Alarm System and Related Matters. Pam
Boston Fire Alarm System and Related Matters. Pamphlet by William Werner, April 1, 1965. 49 pages. Covering Research about the Methods of Fire Alarm Transmission.
No Bid

Peerless Insurance Company. Keene, New Hampshire.
Peerless Insurance Company. Keene, New Hampshire. Wood. 10 5/8 x 15 3/8.

Reliance Insurance Company Reproduction of the Fir
Reliance Insurance Company Reproduction of the Fire Association of Philadelphia Fire Mark. Composite Material - not Heavy. 10 1/2 x 7 1/2. Sticker on Back says Made by Kirby-Cogeshall-Steinau Co. Milwaukee, Wis.

Book. If There Were No Losses by Thomas Caldecot
Book. If There Were No Losses by Thomas Caldecot Chubb. The Story of Chubb & Son from its Founding in 1882 Until 1957. Published by Chubb & Son in 1957. Hardbound. 93 Pages

Book. Biography of a Business 1792 - 1942 Insura
Book. Biography of a Business 1792 - 1942 Insurance Company of North America. by Marquis James. Hardbound Book. Copyright 1942. 431 Pages.
No Bid

Signs of Insurance Book. THE Reference Book for I
Signs of Insurance Book. THE Reference Book for Insurance Sign Collectors. by Edward Tufts and Lynne Leopold-Sharp. Published by the Fire Mark Circle of the Americas, 1991. Hardbound. 148 Pages.

Boston Insurance Company. Plaque/Sign. Encased i
Boston Insurance Company. Plaque/Sign. Encased in Lucite Material. 13 1/8 x 9. Made by Crown Plastics, Boston.

Fireman's Brass Nozzle. 12 inches long x 3 1/2 in
Fireman's Brass Nozzle. 12 inches long x 3 1/2 inch diameter at largest part of nozzle. Bottom of Nozzle has "Powhatan" Engraved at Bottom of Nozzle.

Metal Fire Department Item. Background is Red wit
Metal Fire Department Item. Background is Red with Raised Lettering in the Natural Metal Coloring. Lettering Says "FD" in Middle. Around the 4 sides, says "Emergency" "Member" "First Aid" "Weedsport". Weedsport is a City in New York.

Round Automatic Sprinkler Company of America. Col
Round Automatic Sprinkler Company of America. Collection to Sprinklers. Metal. 10 inch diameter. An identification plate that was mounted over the pipe that supplied water to a sprinkler system on an industrial building-It identified this connection to the fire department as the place to pump into.
No Bid

No Fires Please. Cassette Tape with Original Box.
No Fires Please. Cassette Tape with Original Box. Starting Buddy Hackett and Hugh O'Brian. Produced by Castle Films. Box is 5 1/8 x 5 1/8.

Employers Reinsurance Corporation. 1914 - 1964 Ad
Employers Reinsurance Corporation. 1914 - 1964 Advertising Paperweight. Back Side has Nice Raised Figures in Relief. Says "Pioneers of the Past and of the Future".
Fire Association of Philadelphia. Wood Stationery
Fire Association of Philadelphia. Wood Stationery Box. Logo on Lid and Both Ends. Length is 16", Width is 10 1/2 Inches, Height is 10 inches. Picture One

Fire Association of Philadelphia Wood Box. Pictur
Fire Association of Philadelphia Wood Box. Picture of Open Box. 16 x 10 1/2 x 10. Picture 2.
Fire Association of Philadelphia Wood Stationery B
Fire Association of Philadelphia Wood Stationery Box. Picture 3. Top has Crack.

Insurance Company Automobile Tags. Reference Book
Insurance Company Automobile Tags. Reference Booklet by Robert Shea and Al Wills. Copyright 1988. 44 Pages.

Fire Marks Booklet by John Vince. 32 Pages. Copy
Fire Marks Booklet by John Vince. 32 Pages. Copyright 1973. Booklet Addresses only British Marks.
No Bid

Miniature Eagle Insurance Fire Mark with I.N.A. an
Miniature Eagle Insurance Fire Mark with I.N.A. and 1792. Made into a Bottle Opener. Metal Material with Brass Color. 4 3/8 inches long x 2 1/4 inches wide.

Continental Insurance Companies. Advertising Piece
Continental Insurance Companies. Advertising Piece. Continental Soldier Encased in Lucite. 3 1/3x2 1/2.

Fire Marks Plaque Advertising Piece from Transamer
Fire Marks Plaque Advertising Piece from Transamerica Insurance. 8 Miniature Fire Marks with White Circle in Middle and Blue Lettering. On Wood Base. 5 3/4 x 6. Includes Reference Material on Each Mark from Transamerica Insurance Services

Two Advertising Envelopes. One Envelope is from A
Two Advertising Envelopes. One Envelope is from Aetna Life and Aetna Casualty and Surety. Postmarked Little Rock, 1924 and has 2 cent stamp. The Second Envelope is from Allmand and Williams Insurance Agents and is Postmarked from Baltimore Sept. 21 (no year indicated). Has 3 cent stamp.
No Bid

Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Savannah. F
Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Savannah. Frederick Wessels, Vice President and Treasurer. Looks Like a Business Card but it is Wrapped around a Heavy Something (maybe a block or metal. It has never been opened. On back is a date stamp of Jul 3 1931. Very Interesting Piece.

Royal Insurance Company Insurance Policy - Private
Royal Insurance Company Insurance Policy - Private Motor Vehicle Comprehensive Policy. British Insurance Policy. Dated 10th Day of April 1913 to 10th Day of April 1914. Covering a 1913 Lanchester.
No Bid

Postcard. From Chicago Historical Society. Showi
Postcard. From Chicago Historical Society. Showing the Sheet Music "Pity the Homeless or Burnt Out".
No Bid

Vintage Fire Chief's "Eagle & Five Trumpets" bras
Vintage Fire Chief's "Eagle & Five Trumpets" brass insignia mounted on wooden plaque.
No Bid

Eagle Plaque. Metal Material with Black Front. 1
Eagle Plaque. Metal Material with Black Front. 16 3/4 long x 7 1/2 tall

Mug. Inter'l Assoc. Fire Fighters 20th Convention
Mug. Inter'l Assoc. Fire Fighters 20th Convention. Sept. 5 - 9, 1950. Milwaukee, Wis. Gold Lettering and Gold Top and Bottom of the Mug. Very Good Condition for its Age.

The Franklin Fire, Philadelphia. Advertising Knif
The Franklin Fire, Philadelphia. Advertising Knife. One Hundred Year Anniversary. Front of Knife shows Name of Insurance Company and Years 1829 - 1929. Back also shows The Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia (no years on this side).
No Bid

Catalog of Insurance Company Advertising Signs fro
Catalog of Insurance Company Advertising Signs from 1800 - 1940. Soft Bound Book. Published by the Fire Mark Circle in 1983. 62 pages.

De Soto Rural Fire Protection Service, De Soto, MO
De Soto Rural Fire Protection Service, De Soto, MO. 5 House Tags for the years 1976, 1979, 1980, 1982 and 1982. Five Pieces for One Amount.

Fireman's Fund Various Items. Stickers, Napkins,
Fireman's Fund Various Items. Stickers, Napkins, Golf Tees, Key Chain.
No Bid

Fire Marks, A Short Introduction. With Particular
Fire Marks, A Short Introduction. With Particular Reference to Those Issued by Royal Assurance in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. Booklet. 10 Pages. Published by GRE - Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance. Also, Separate 3 page Pamphlet on GRE Fire Engines - Published 1982.

Grange Insurance Group Pamphlet. 8 pages. Issued
Grange Insurance Group Pamphlet. 8 pages. Issued in April 1994 for their Centennial Year.
No Bid

Reproduction Fire Mark of the Mutual Assurance (Gr
Reproduction Fire Mark of the Mutual Assurance (Green Tree). Cast Iron Green Tree on Shield-Shaped Wood. Reviewed by the Auction Verification Committee and Determined to be Reproduction. They Stated that there is "no such thing as a cast iron tree."

American Fore Insurance Group. Pacific Department
American Fore Insurance Group. Pacific Department. Given out at the Dedication of the New Building in San Francisco, April 1957. Brass Color. Heavy for its Size. 2 3/4 inches round.

Advertising Letter Openers. Three for one price.
Advertising Letter Openers. Three for one price. 1. Brass. A. R. Smith Agency. Tonkawa, Okla. 2. Brass. Mutual Fire Insurance Agency of Louisville, Incorporated. JA 4618; WA 4801. Starks Building. 3. Plastic. Rigg Insurance Managers, Inc. Fort Worth, Texas 76102. WATS - 1-800-772-5906

Union Fire Insurance Company. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Union Fire Insurance Company. Lincoln, Nebraska. Standard Fire Policy. March 3rd, 1933 to March 3, 1934. Covering Loss or Damage by Fire.
No Bid

Yorkshire Insurance Company. Head Office: York.
Yorkshire Insurance Company. Head Office: York. England. Two Policies - One is a Workers Compensation Policy - June 4, 1911 to June 4, 1912. And the other is a Domestic Servants' Policy. May 15, 1917 to May 15, 1918.
No Bid

Two Continental Insurance Company Policies. Both
Two Continental Insurance Company Policies. Both Standard Fire Policies. One Expired August 29, 1909 and the other Expired October 3, 1912.
No Bid

Sprinkler Head with Attachment. Etched on the Spr
Sprinkler Head with Attachment. Etched on the Sprinkler is Grinnell Duraspeed

1926 Protected by Clementon A.A. Fire Company. Sh
1926 Protected by Clementon A.A. Fire Company. Shield Shape. 2 5/8 long x 2 1/4 Wide.

Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia. Advertising Paper Clip.

Eight Fire Fighting Appliances "Cards" - a series
Eight Fire Fighting Appliances "Cards" - a series of 50 - Issued by John Player and Sons. Great Britain and London. (Photo shows 7 but found one more - there are 8). Back of Each Card has Details for the Truck or Pumper.
No Bid

Fire Department Card from 1912. Encased in Framed
Fire Department Card from 1912. Encased in Framed Glass Case. Front has Picture of Fire Fighter with Fire Items. Back Says "Christmas Greeting and all Good Wishes" Emerson The Clothier Hatter & Outfitter. Corner 3rd and West Main Sta.
No Bid

Vintage Calling Card/Business Card. A. P. Leshure
Vintage Calling Card/Business Card. A. P. Leshure. Chief Engineer Fire Department. Springfield, Mass. Protected in a Gold Glass Frame

White Ashtray with Various Fire Items in the Middl
White Ashtray with Various Fire Items in the Middle. Very Striking.

Bank. Republic National Life Insurance Company.
Bank. Republic National Life Insurance Company. Dallas, Texas. 3 1/2 x 4 1/2. Calendar and Coin Bank. Key Included.
No Bid

Red Comet Fire Grenade. Full. Sticker is still o
Red Comet Fire Grenade. Full. Sticker is still on Grenade but has some damage around Comet Name and a little damage at the bottom middle. Holder also says Red Comet Littleton Colo USA. No Shipping Available since Grenade is full. Possible to arrange delivery to your area - contact Auction Chair.
No Bid

Vintage Fire Pin. Very Good Condition except for
Vintage Fire Pin. Very Good Condition except for Fading of Picture. Top Says: 31st Annual Convention, Pennsylvania State Firemen's Assn. Fire Items in Middle. Second Says: Altoona, The Horseshoe Bend. Third Says: October 4 - 8, Delegate, 1910. Fourth Has: Faded Picture with Firemen Seated/Standing. Around Edge of Picture Says: Altoona First Board of Fire Dept. Pin is 6 1/8 inches long.
No Bid

Detroit Board of Fire Commissioners Cardboard Adve
Detroit Board of Fire Commissioners Cardboard Advertising Sign for Fire Prevention Week. Oct. 9 - 15. Brightly Colored. Detroit Fire Helmet in Middle.

Insurance Company Pins. Vintage. Most will be pr
Insurance Company Pins. Vintage. Most will be pre-1988 since seller received them from original owner then. 32 Pins on this black velvet board with wood frame. Xerox copy of pins with them identified comes with this item. For example - first row on left starts with Hartford, Phoenix of London, Blue Goose.
No Bid

Insurance Company Pins. 29 Pins on black velvet m
Insurance Company Pins. 29 Pins on black velvet mat with wood frame. Pins should be pre-1988 since Seller received these from a friend at that time. Xerox copy comes with this item identifying some of the pins. Sample of pins: in the Middle (biggest pin) is a Fireman's Fund that says Christmas Greetings 1914. Firemen's Fund pins just below to right and left side. $ Pin is unknown so you get to do the research.
No Bid

Gold Seal Fire Extinguisher. Full - Never Opened.
Gold Seal Fire Extinguisher. Full - Never Opened. Good Condition except for bend around arm of Statue of Liberty. Manufactured for the Pioneer Reserve Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich. Price on Extinguisher is $3.00.
No Bid

British Fire Mark 1680-1879 Book. by Brian Wright
British Fire Mark 1680-1879 Book. by Brian Wright. Hardbound Book. Published 1982. 480 Pages.

The Sun Insurance Office. Hardbound Book. by P.G
The Sun Insurance Office. Hardbound Book. by P.G.M Dickson. The History of Two and a half Centuries of British Insurance. Published 1960. 324 Pages.
No Bid

German Fire Marks. Hardbound Book. by William Ev
German Fire Marks. Hardbound Book. by William Evenden. Published 1989. 361 Pages. THE Reference Guide for German Fire Marks.

Footprints of Assurance. Hardbound Book. by Alwi
Footprints of Assurance. Hardbound Book. by Alwin Bulau. Published 1953. 319 Pages. The Bible for American and many Foreign Fire Marks.
No Bid

Various Papers on the History of Insurance Compani
Various Papers on the History of Insurance Companies. All Paper. 1. Baltimore Equitable Society - 7 pages. 2. St. Paul Fire & Marine - 5 pages. The Maryland - 6 pages. Badger Mutual - 2 pages. INA - 13 pages. Various Other Insurance Companies - 1 page each. Good Reference Material.

Royal Insurance Company. Policy. Covering for Lo
Royal Insurance Company. Policy. Covering for Loss or Damage by Fire to Two Buildings at 30 and 32 Manor Road, Great Cooby, near Liverpool. Policy Period: 28th day of April 1910 to 24th day of June 1911. Very good condition for its age - no rips or tears.
No Bid

New Amsterdam Casualty Company. Company Seal Mach
New Amsterdam Casualty Company. Company Seal Machine. In Business from 1898 - 1966. The company seal is a tool used to stamp or emboss a company's important documents in order to show the document is certified by, and agreed upon by, the Board of Directors of the company. The company seal contains the company's name, its year of incorporation and the state in which the company was filed.
No Bid

Solid Wood Fireman Sign. Sticker on Back says Yor
Solid Wood Fireman Sign. Sticker on Back says Yorkraft Inc., York, Pennsylvania. 23 inches tall x 9 3/8 inches wide. Firemen in Middle with EVER ALERT on Top and Valiant Hose No. 2 on Bottom.

Millers National Insurance Co., Chicago Compass.
Millers National Insurance Co., Chicago Compass. Metal. 3 1/2 diameter. Small Letters says "Patented Noisom Compass".

Franklin & Fires Pamphlet. Copyright 1906. Reprin
Franklin & Fires Pamphlet. Copyright 1906. Reprinted 1922. Booklet by Philadelphia Contributionship Regarding Benjamin Franklin's Interest in Protecting Citizens of Philadelphia from Fires. 18 pages.

At The Sign of the Hand-in-Hand Pamphlet. Copyrig
At The Sign of the Hand-in-Hand Pamphlet. Copyright 1926, Reprinted 1935. 48 Pages. Information on some of the Highlights of its History and Describing some of the Things on View in its Museum in Philadelphia.

AETNA Company Plaque. Solid Wood Back with Hard P
AETNA Company Plaque. Solid Wood Back with Hard Plastic. Orange with Large Indented White Lettering. 10 inches Square.

Illinois rules, Rates and Premiums for Insuring of
Illinois rules, Rates and Premiums for Insuring of Automobiles. Published by National Automobile Underwriters Association, New York, N.Y. Covers Autos from 1937 to 1949. Has Lots of Interesting Facts on These Vehicles (many I have never heard of) including Factory Advertised Price and Other Items to Rate the Specific Vehicle Model. 64 pages. Very Good Condition except for a slight water spot on back cover.
No Bid

Northern Assurance Company of America. Company Pl
Northern Assurance Company of America. Company Plaque. Member of the Employers' Group of Insurance Companies. Wood Plaque. 14 1/4 x 10 3/4. Looks to be from the 1950's - 1960's. Anyone know for sure?
No Bid

Facsimile of Application for Insurance by General
Facsimile of Application for Insurance by General Robert E. Lee in 1859 for Insurance with The Hartford Fire. The Application Covered his Home and Barn (known as the Mansion House) in Arlington, Virginia. Signed and Dated October 17, 1859.
No Bid

Four Insurance Company Letters. Two from United S
Four Insurance Company Letters. Two from United States Fidelity and Guaranty. One was written June 12, 1918 and Second was written July 17, 1917. Third letter is from Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. Letter is dated January 31st, 1920. Fourth Letter is from American Surety Company and dated May 26, 1916. All in very good condition for their age.
No Bid

Four Unframed Copies of Fire Prints in Color. Pre
Four Unframed Copies of Fire Prints in Color. Presented in a Portfolio by Protection Mutual Insurance Company. The Four Prints are: Chicago Fire of 1871; Destruction of New York's Crystal Palace in 1858; San Francisco Waterfront Fire in 1851; Burning of Barnum's Museum in 1865. The Paper with these Prints indicate that the original black and white etchings were converted into aquatint-type wash drawings by a skilled Chicago water Colorist, Martin C. Gardner.

Black Leather Black Booklet. Outside Cover says:
Black Leather Black Booklet. Outside Cover says: Northland Mutual Life Company. Pages are not numbered but probably 40+. Inside Fire Page says: Instructions to Agents, Occupational Ratings, Premiums, Tables. Northland Mutual Life Company, Rockford, Illinois. July 1936. This is Rate Book No. 35. Very Good Condition for Age. Looks like whomever was assigned Book No. 35 in 1936 did not sell much life insurance.
No Bid

Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool. Perpetual I
Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool. Perpetual Insurance Policy. First Written April 20, 1886. Cancelled 9/11/37. Transferred to other assureds many times in the years between.
No Bid

Policy opened up showing list of people to whom tr
Policy opened up showing list of people to whom transferred. Policy is on Heavy Paper. Covers the Dwelling at No. 2025 North 19th Street, 28th Ward, Phila, PA.
No Bid

Glen Falls Insurance Company, Glen Falls, New York
Glen Falls Insurance Company, Glen Falls, New York. Brass Paper Holder. Raised Etching of Company Name and 100th Anniversary 1849 - 1949 on Top. 10 x 6.

Town and Country Insurance Company. Plaque. Home
Town and Country Insurance Company. Plaque. Home Office, Oklahoma City. Solid Wood Piece with White Insert. Square. 9 13/16 x 9 13/16.
No Bid

Fire Hose House #5. Sign. White with Red Letteri
Fire Hose House #5. Sign. White with Red Lettering. Porcelain
No Bid

Fire Hydrant Paperweight. Solid Brass. 7 inches
Fire Hydrant Paperweight. Solid Brass. 7 inches high x 4 inches wide.

Peter Stuyvesant Insurance Co. Metal Desktop Figur
Peter Stuyvesant Insurance Co. Metal Desktop Figure. 5 inches tall
No Bid

Firemen and Fire Engines Stamps, Little Golden Boo
Firemen and Fire Engines Stamps, Little Golden Book, 1959. 18 pages

Metal Steam Engine pencil sharpener, about 3├óΓé¼┬
Metal Steam Engine pencil sharpener, about 3” long

Aetna 100th anniversary book. One Hundred Years of
Aetna 100th anniversary book. One Hundred Years of Fire Insurance. 1819-1919. 260 pages. Very nice condition

Advertising Scissors- Aetna Insurance Company of H
Advertising Scissors- Aetna Insurance Company of Hartford.

Multi-purpose Desk tool from Home Insurance Co├óΓé
Multi-purpose Desk tool from Home Insurance Co’s 50th Anniversary in 1903. Letter Opener, Cigar Cutter and Pipe Tamp.

Fire Dog children’s book, 1951, 28 pages.
Fire Dog children’s book, 1951, 28 pages.
No Bid

Hope Hose Co., Manheim PA Centennial Celebration b
Hope Hose Co., Manheim PA Centennial Celebration button with ribbons- 1912

Celluloid Travelers Pencil Cap/ Clip
Celluloid Travelers Pencil Cap/ Clip
No Bid

Fireman's All-Purpose Hydrant Wrench.
Fireman's All-Purpose Hydrant Wrench.
No Bid

Autofyr Stop. Grenade with Original Holder. Full s
Autofyr Stop. Grenade with Original Holder. Full so we are not able to ship this item. Bidder needs to arrange for someone to pick up and deliver item.
No Bid

Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Sign. Live Stock Shipp
Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Sign. Live Stock Shipped to Market in this Truck is Insured Against Death and Crippling. Tin. Yellow Background with Black Raised Lettering and Stag at the Top Left of Sign. Some Bends in the Tin on the Left Side of the Sign. 23 1/4 x 11 1/8. No Frame.

National Fire of Hartford. Hartford, Connecticut.
National Fire of Hartford. Hartford, Connecticut. Reverse Glass. Number 249 from Sign Book. Front is cracked. Lettering is Faded. 17 W x 22 H. 3 inch frame.